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Amesz, Jan (Deceased January 29, 2001), An announcement by T Aartsma, P Gast, H van Gorkom, A Hoff and T Schmidt; an obituary is being prepared by the Leiden Group for publication in 2001.
Babcock, Gerald (Deceased December 22, 2000), An announcement by his Secretary; an obituary is being prepared by CF Yocum for publication in 2001.
Klein, Melvin (1921-2000), Remembering Melvin Klein, by RD Britt, K. Sauer and VK Yachandra, Photosynthesis Research, in Press (2000).[PSRES#0021K]
Tolbert, Ed (1918-1998), by A. Goyal, Photosynthesis Research, 65: 1-6, 2000
Horvath, Gabor (1944-2000), by G Garab, Photosynthesis Research, 65:103-105, 2000
Metzner, Helmut (1925-1999), by K Fischer-Zeh, Photosynthesis Research, 63:191-194(2000).
Hall, David (1935-1999), by KK Rao, Photosynthesis Research 62:117-119 (1999).
Cotton-Uphaus, Therese Marie (1939-1998), by M Seibert and M Thurnauer, Photosynthesis Research 61:193-196 (1999).
Izawa, Seikichi (1926-1997), by S Berg, Photosynthesis Research 58: 1-4. (1998).
Shavit, Noun (1930-1997), by C Alflalo, H Baum, DM Chipman, RE McCarty and H Strotmann, Photosynthesis Research 54: 165-167 (1997).
Calvin, Melvin (1911-1997), by P Loach, A Remembrance of Melvin Calvin. Photosynthesis Research 54: 1-3 (1997).
Thornber, Philip (1934-1996), by R Cogdell, Photosynthesis Research 50 :1-3. (1996)
Wurmser, Rene (1890-1993), by P Joliot, Photosynthesis Research 48:321-323 (1996).
Kondratieva, Elena N (1910-1994), by JM Olson, RN Ivanovsky and RC Fuller, Photosynthesis Research 47: 203-205 (1996).
Arnon, Daniel I. (1910-1994), by R Malkin, Photosynthesis Research 43:77-80 (1995).
Sistrom, William R. (1927-1993), by RW Castenholz, Photosynthesis Research 42: 167-168 (1994).
Krasnovsky, AA (1913-1993), by N Karapetyan, Photosynthesis Research 38:1-3 (1993).
Mitchell, Peter (1920-1992), by AR Crofts, Photosynthesis Research 35: 1-4 (1993).
Good, Norman E. (1917-1992), byRP Hangarter and DR Ort, Photosynthesis Research 34: 245-247 (1992)
Racker, Efraim (1913-1991), by N Nelson, Photosynthesis Research 31: 165-166 (1991)
Thomas, Jan Bartholomeus (1907-1991), by G van Ginkel and J HC Goedheer, Photosynthesis Research 30: 65-69 (1991).
DeVault, Don, by M Seibert, Photosynthesis Research 28:95-98(1990).
Goodchild, David John, by JM Anderson, Photosynthesis Research 24:115-116 (1990)
Roux, Eugene (1924-1985), by M Lutz and J-M Galmiche, Photosynthesis Research 12:91-93 (1987).
Akoyunoglou, George (1927-1986), by GC Papageorgiou, Photosynthesis Research 11: 283-286 (1987).
van Niel, Cornelis Bernardus (1897-1985), by RE Hungate, Photosynthesis Research 10: 139-142 (1986).