Required Course Materials
Fall 2014
Welcome to IB 150!! Here is a list of the materials needed for Fall 2014. There are options to save you money, so read carefully.
Required Course Materials
1. Textbook:
You are required to have access to the etext version of Freeman's Biological Science 5th edition with access to MasteringBiology and LearningCatalytics. These are available as one package online or through the bookstore. There are two ways to purchase these materials.
Your purchase options are available in the bookstores or directly online:
- You can buy the etext and access to Modified MasteringBiology with eText by purchasing access directly online at www.pearsonmastering.com for $110. The online purchase automatically includes MasteringBiology and Learning Catalytics. The course ID you will need to register is: clegg69825.
- Both IUB and TIS have access cards in stock that will get you access to all of these materials (etext, Mastering, LearningCatalytics). No other purchase is necessary. The course ID you will need to register is: clegg69825.
- If you prefer a print copy of the textbook instead of using an eText: TIS bookstore has packages that contain the textbook + access to all online resources (includes access to MasteringBiology and LearningCatalytics. When packaged together through TIS, you receive a discount on the materials. The course ID you will need to register is: clegg69825.
- If you got an old textbook from a friend and do not wish to purchase a copy of the textbook, you will still need to purchase access to MasteringBiology and LearningCatalytics as a stand-alone option through www.pearsonmastering.com. After logging in, first select to purchase the standalone MasteringBiology access. Once you registered your copy of Mastering using the course ID (clegg69825), you will find a link to LearningCatalytics. You need to buy access to this separately by clicking on this link once logged in on the MasteringBiology page.
Once you have purchased the option you chose, you can register your copy of MasteringBiology and LearningCatalytics using the information in THIS LINK.
2. Discussion Manual
Available at both the Illini Union Bookstore and TIS.
3. An internet enabled device
You need an internet enabled device to access LearningCatalytics worksheets during lectures, the Moodle course web site and Mastering Biology for your assignments. If you do not own an internet enabled, portable device (such as laptop, smartphone, tablet or iPad, iPod, etc, or you forgot to bring yours during lecture, please ask one of the instructors for a paper copy of the worksheet to turn in at the end of each lecture.
4. An inexpensive nonprogrammable calculator for exams.
The calculations for this course are really simple. You just need a calculator that can square a number and take a square root of a number. As long as you find a non-programmable calculator that can do that you can get the cheapest one you can find. However, you will not be allowed to use programmable or graphing calculators on the exams due to past attempts at cheating using these.