Jack Slater plans Fall season
I thought it fitting, therefore, to start with a sort of where is he now article, and in succeeding issues, I promise to work my way back through his career, at least filling in some of the highlights. Right now, of course, Professor Slater is best known for his contributions to the music scene in the European Community, and he has a number of concerts in select venues scheduled for this season. For all the latest, including downloads and samples of their sound, you can log onto Jack's website . Of course, most of us would want to get to both his Aachen (November 7th) and Siegburg (the 15th) concerts. For those of you not familiar with this quintessential German artist, his web page bears the headline Sie singen über Kanibalismus und dem Teufel, but they are (they insist) not "evil diabolical, bloodthirsty satanic virgin-raping dudes." Since the debut album, PlayCorpse in 2001 and with their new Metzgore album soon to be released, this group leads the way in the heavy metal music with a strong component of humor. Above all, Der Name JACK SLATER hat sich im Underground rumgesprochen, und dort gehört er auch hin! Wir werden unseren Weg weitergehen. Wir scheissen auf Trends und Klischees. Wir werden auch in Zukunft abwechslungsreichen Death Metal mit schwarzen Texten machen. Wir werden weiter unser Ding durchziehen und zeigen, das man Musik auf hohem technischem Niveau spielen und trotzdem die Sache mit einem Lächeln angehen kann. Wir haben kein umgedrehtes Kreuz auf der Stirn, aber einen verdammt bösen Name: JACK SLATER. And above even that, true to the principles for which we have always known him, Professor Jack Slater is now fighting the stereotypes of racism that some people have associated with this poorly understood genre.