Supplement: Review of Tags in Basic HTML Lesson

Basic Document Structure
  1. <HTML> ... </HTML> - Encloses an entire HTML document
  2. <HEAD> ... </HEAD> - Blocks out the document head area
  3. <TITLE> ... </TITLE> - Encloses the document title
  4. <BODY> ... </BODY> - Encloses the documents body text
  1. <H1> ... </H1> - Level 1 head
  2. <H2> ... </H2> - Level 2 head (goes up to Level 6)
  3. <B> ... </B> - Boldface
Line Breaks
  1. <P> - Paragraph break (2 lines)
  2. <BR> - Line break (1 line)
  3. <HR> - Draws horizontal line
  1. <UL> ... </UL> - Encloses a bulleted list
  2. <OL> ... </OL> - Encloses a numbered list
  3. <LI> - Indicates a list item
  4. <DL> ... </DL> - Encloses a glossary list
  5. <DT> - Indicates the term being defined in a glossary list
  6. <DD> - Indicates the definition for the above term
  1. <A >... </A> - Hypertext anchor or link
  1. <PRE> ... </PRE> - Encloses text that will be read "as is"
  2. <FONT> ...</FONT> - Describes a particular font (must be present on local system). Attributes allow the specification of color, family and size

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