Robert T. Allen (1969)--Chair, Entomology and Applied Ecology, University of Delaware. His research interests are now focused on the systematics and biogeography of the Symphyla, Diplura, and Protura.
Robert W. Alrutz (1951)--Retired in 1990 after 38 years of teaching at Denison University, Granville, OH. He has reactivated his research on the dragonflies (Odonata) of Ohio in conjunction with the Ohio dragonfly survey.
John F. Anderson (1963)--Director, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. The focus of his research is on ticks and tick-associated diseases, particularly Lyme disease and human babesiosis.
Thomas E. Anderson (1977)--In 1985, he established an insecticide research group at BASF Corporation Agricultural Research Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. In addition to supervising the discovery and development of new insect control products, he also serves as technical liaison to BASF's main German laboratories, informing them of developing technologies in North America for arthropod pest control.
Angel Berrios-Oritz (1975)--Associate dean, Academic Affairs, and director, Graduate Studies Office, Recinto Universio Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, since 1988. He also teaches courses in the history of biology, insect morphology and medical-veterinary entomology. In 1993 he wrote, "Entomology at U of I has had a brilliant role in the his-tory and development of entomology in the U.S. In spite of difficulties, let's keep it going!"
Lynetta Binger (1991)--Teaching biology at Hanover College, a small liberal arts college in Hanover, IN.
Murray S. Blum (1955)--Professor, Entomology, Univer-sity of Georgia. In 1992 he wrote, "Spent a wild three months in France as a French fellow at the University of Bourgogne (Dijon) where I gave lectures and did research. Organized a symposium in Beijing (Int. Congr. Ent.) and did some touring with Annie." He recently received the Silver Medal from the International Society for Chemical Ecology.
Harry Bottenberg (1990)--After completing a project with advisor, M.E. Irwin, he joined the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Nigeria to work on inte-grated pest management of cowpea pests as a postdoctoral entomologist. He returned to UIUC in December 1994 to work with John Masiunas in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences to coordinate an interdisciplinary project on the use of rye mulch in the control of weeds, insects, and diseases in sustainable vegetable production systems. This project is now in its final stage. He has accepted a position with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Malawi, Southern Africa, where will be working on the epidemiology and control of groundnut rosette virus, an aphid-borne disease. He, wife Christina (a national of Nigeria), and children, Victoria and Douglas, departed for Malawi on June 24.
Reinhart A. Brust (1964)--Professor and head, Entomology, University of Manitoba. He teaches courses in medical and veterinary entomology as well as epidemiology of arthropod-borne diseases. He is associate editor of Canadian Entomologist.
Damayanti Buchori (1989)--Works in Department of Plant Pests and Diseases in Bogor, a small city about 60 km south of Jakarta in Indonesia.
William R. Campbell (1970)--Research scientist for Agricultural Canada since 1966. He specializes in systematics of Staphylinidae (rove beetles), especially arctic and alpine beetles and phylogeny of several subfamilies of staphylinids and family Microjeplidae.
Franklin Chang (1969)--Deceased. Previously served as chair, Entomology, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Andrew Chun-Hsi Chen (1976)--Position at the USDA, ARS, College Station, TX, where his work focuses on Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable fly. He studies the effects of ecdysteroids on female reproduction and chemically characterizing the ANP-immunoreactive material in S. calcitrans.
Chiou-Nan Chen (1973) --National chief of plant protec-tion in charge of policy making and financial support for R&D and extension programs related to crop IPM, pesti-cide regulation and plant quarantine at the Council of Agriculture in Taipei, Taiwan. He is also adjunct professor, Entomology, National Taiwan University, where he lectures in insect ecology and IPM.
Ronald H. Cherry (1976)--Professor, University of Florida. Most of his work is applied research on soil insect pests of several different field crops in southern Florida. He is located at the Everglades Research and Education Center in south Florida.
Eddie H. Chio (1977)--Performing insecticide toxicology research for the Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis. His work includes bioanalytical studies for proteins and enzymes, insulin research, mammalian cell culture termi-nation research, and insecticide screening operation research.
Robert W. Clegern (1972)--Semi-retired and teaching biology at Austin Community College. He was Executive Director, Armed Forces Pest Management Board, the top entomologist position in the Department of Defense. The board manages the Department's entomology program as the major part of a broader pest management program. In 1988, he was chosen Outstanding Entomologist by the American Registry of Professional Entomologist of ESA in the category of medical veterinary, urban, and industrial entomology.
Joel R. Coats (1974)--Professor, Entomology and Toxicology, Iowa State University, Ames. He specializes in insecticide toxicology and environmental toxicology. He has edited/authored four books on insecticide toxicology, environmental toxicology, and chemistry of pesticides.
Michael Cohen (1991)--Director, Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory, International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. He now has three Ph.D. students, two postdoctoral associates, and seven technicians.
Randy W. Cohen (1987)--Faculty member, California State University, Northridge. He returned to UIUC as a featured speaker at Gil Waldbauer's retirement celebration in fall 1995.
Lawrence J. Crain (1977) --Partner in the Chicago law firm of Welsh & Katz. "In 1977-1978, I was an assistant district manager for Crop Protection, a pest management company based in Illinois. Due to winter inactivity, I moved to the Chicago area to become a pest specialist for a local lawn fertilizing company. One thing led to another and I went to law school and graduated in 1983. Due to my scientific background I qualified as a patent attorney, prob-ably the only entomologist/patent attorney in the U.S. (dubious honor, but I'll take it!)"
Eric R. Day (1986)--Manages the Insect Identification Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg. He identifies approximately 1700 insects a year and holds the extension responsibilities for insect pests of Christmas trees. Since 1991 he has acted as state survey coordinator for the CAPS/APHIS/PPQ program and he is involved with several exotic pest surveys.
Jerald R. De Witt (1972)--Professor, Entomology, and associate dean, Extension in the Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames. He oversees all agricultural and natural resource extension programs in Iowa.
William K. Delaplane (1958)--He was in commercial pest control most of his working years except when he served as Extension Professor, Ohio State University, and worked with the University of Moagric Production Team in India. He then had a USDA assignment until his semi-retirement about 14 years ago.
David L. Denlinger (1971)--Head, Entomology, Ohio State University. He teaches courses in insect physiology and his research focuses on insect diapause, cold tolerance, and sporadic work in Africa on the tsetse fly.
Richard J. Dysart (1961)--Works at the USDA ARS Grasshopper IPM Project, Sidney, MT. He is currently studying a grasshopper egg parasite of Australian origin, Scelio parvicornis (Hym: Scelionidae), as a candidate for biocontrol introduction into North America.
James L. Eaton (1966)--Professor, Entomology, and associate dean, Graduate School, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
Dennis J. Fielding (1988)--In 1992, he was working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Idaho. "The Bureau of Land Management wants to know what effect, if any, their range management practices have on grasshoppers. So, equipped with a sweep net and clipboard (and a couple of computers), I spend the summers in a dialectical relationship with the grasshoppers, counting, manipulating, and generally trying to understand the 40+ species that occupy the Snake River Plains."
Susan Fisher (1981)--Professor, Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus. Her research is directed along two environmental sinks (a) into aquatic food chains and (b) control of zebra mussel. She obtained a Ph.D. by working on white leghorn hens, "an experience which emphasized the importance of the conceptual over exaltation of a single organism. It was thus fairly easy to apply the principles in interest to a new organism such as the zebra mussel."
Willard H. Fogal (1968)--Research scientist, Forestry Canada. He has investigated several interesting areas over the years: nitrogen metabolism during metamorphosis in forest defoliating sawflies; insect growth regulators for control; genetics and physiology of host-tree nutritional quality; biological and habitat variation as determinants of insect foraging activity; and nutritional and environmental factors that control tree reproductive development.
Frank A. Fraembs--Professor, Zoology, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston. He teaches general zoology and general entomology, plus other beginning courses.
Rachel Galun (1955)--Professor, Parasitology, Hebrew University Medical School, En Kerem, Israel. She is also head of the Institute of Microbiology. Her research focuses on sensory physiology of blood feeders "from leeches to Dracula."
Edwin G. Gemrich II (1966)--In 1986, he took an assignment at Upjohn Company to further interinstitutional collaborations with federal laboratories. He remains active facilitating collaborations between Upjohn scientists and agency with university (including UIUC) scientists. He co-chairs an annual conference on technology transfer in Washington, DC, and regularly makes presentations at similar meetings.
Robert L. Gerhart (1954)--Retired approximately eight years ago, after 31 years with Lederle Laboratories.
Henry E. Gray (1953)--Retired from the Dow Chemical Company in 1982 as an associate scientist and manager of Product Liability, Agricultural Chemicals Department.
Paul Gross (1985)--Faculty member, National Louis University, Evanston, IL. He teaches a wide range of courses in biology--10 classes in 16 months.
Robert E. Grossmann (1957)--Retired as senior vice-president of operations, GROWMARK, Inc. in March 1991 after 34 years with the company.
Duane J. Gubler--Former staff member at UIUC; now a research microbiologist, Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Fort Collins, CO.
Susan E. Halbert (1979)--Works at the Aberdeen R & E Center, University of Idaho, Aberdeen. There she coordinates aphid suction trap survey of the Pacific Northwest, works on epidemiology of aphid-transmitted plant viruses, and is interested in the biological control of the Russian wheat aphid.
Ralph E. Harbach (1976)--Research associate, Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. He is has co-authored three books and has published 56 articles on aspects of mosquito morphology, systematics, and biology.
Charles G. Helm (1973)--Research biologist, Illinois Natural History Survey. His research interests include host plant resistance in soybean IPM, biology, and ecology of bean leaf beetles as pests of soybean, and characterization of effects of simulated insect defoliation of soybean physiology, canopy structure, and yield.
Tess Henn-Mondello (1989)--Lab manager and technician in the comparative immunology lab of Dr. Richard D. Karp, University of Cincinnati. She is working on the immune response of the American cockroach.
Peter H. Hewitt (1964)--Director, South African Sugar Association Experiment Station. This organization, which is funded entirely by sugarcane growers, handles all agri-cultural research (plant breeding, agronomy, entomology, pathology, soil science, biotechnology, etc.) and extension for the industry. He has served regularly on the executive board of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa and as president for two terms.
Qiuyue Huang (1989)--Spouse of Hengchen Lin. In 1992, they moved to Kansas where Hengchen had accepted a new job. Qiuyue was considering going back to work or to school.
Hans Hummel--Former faculty; presently teaching at Phytophathologie und Angewandte Zoologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität. His research centers around insect pheromone chemical ecology.
Richard L. Hurley (1965)--Professor, Zoology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. He is working on hydro-phorine dolichopodids for "Flies of the Neartic Region."
Louis A. Jansky--Retired. Former faculty member, Uni-versity of Oregon Dental School for 25 years.
Elbert R. Jaycox--Retired. After leaving the U of I, he was appointed Adjunct Professor at New Mexico State University, where he spent several years working both on and off campus.
Gail Kampmeier (1984)--Research entomologist, Center for Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey, and senior research specialist, Agricultural Entomology, UIUC. Her research interests include aphid vectors of plant viruses, their ecology, and movement.
James T. Kardatzke (1977)--Retired in 1992 after 20 years of service with the U.S. Army. He spent over eight years with the Army Medical Research and Development Command working on a variety of projects including vector control equipment development, research program management, medical defense against chemical agents, and field research in vector ecology and epidemiology.
Mohindar S. Khalsa (1973)--Former professor, Entomology, and extension specialist, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Nainital, India. Retired in 1987 and shifted to New Delhi in 1988 to establish an independent consulting service for pest control and pesticide handling.
Kenneth L. Knight (1941)--Retired Naval officer and former Head, Entomology, North Carolina State University. His research area was mosquito taxonomy as well as mosquito biology and control.
Masatoshi Kobayashi--Superintendent and managing director, Lotte Central Laboratory (Confectionery & Foods Co., Ltd.), Urawa, Saitama, Japan, since its establishment in 1986. "I would like to show great respect for brilliant scientific achievements by past department members; especially a few scientists at the Sericultural Experiment Station, MAFF in Japan, who were taught under the leader-ship of Professor Fraenkel in your famous department."
Costas A. Kouskolekas (1964)--Professor, Auburn Uni-versity, Auburn, AL. His research area is applied emphasizing problem solving on ornamentals, turf, and vegetables. Since 1988, he has been working at the University's Experiment Station on urban entomology and public service.
Gene R. Kritsky (1977)--Professor and chair, Biology, College of Mount St. Joseph, and adjunct curator, Entomology, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History. In addi-tion to teaching and research, he serves as the exhibit consultant for several natural history museums and as a consultant to Apple Computer. His research involves the evolution of the broods of the 17-year cicadas, the history of entomology with emphasis on Darwin, and the ethno-entomology of ancient Egypt.
Donald E. Kuhlman (1970)--Alumnus and a former affiliate to the department. Retired in 1991 and accepted a two-year assignment in Peshawar, Pakistan, working as a continuing education specialist, Northwest Frontier Provin-cial Agricultural University with the "Transformation and Integration of the Provincial Agricultural Network," funded by USAID and administered by UIUC and Southern Illinois University.
Robert E. Lewis (1959)--Professor, Entomology, Iowa State University. He teaches insect systematics and immature insects; his research is systematics of the flea fauna of the world.
Khian-Kioe Liem (1975)--Director and medical entomologist, The South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District since 1974.
Hengchen Lin (1989)--Researching the environmental fate of pesticides in a major agriculture chemical company in Kansas, and working on an MBA degree. Married to another alum, Qiuyue Huang.
Po-Yung Lu--Former Research Associate. He is responsible for a multi-discipline scientific and technical information analysis and evaluation organization, the Biomedical and Environmental Information Analysis (BEIA) Section, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
William H. Luckmann (1956)--Retired; formerly head, Section of Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey; head, Office of Agricultural Entomology; and professor, Entomology, UIUC.
Chris T. Maier (1977)--Scientist at Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. He conducts research on ecology and biological control of leaf-mining Lepidoptera and other pests of apples and cranberries. His work focuses on improving integrated pest management by developing new techniques to monitor pests and their natural enemies, by evaluating exotic biological control agents and by determining how host nutritional quality affects the reproductive potential of pests.
José A. Mari Mutt (1978)--Professor, Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. He teaches general zoology, insect taxonomy, and microscopy. He also edits the Caribbean Journal of Science, the scientific publication of the faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Robert Marquis--Former postdoctoral associate; presently associate professor, Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis. He visited the department in fall 1995 to present a seminar entitled, "Birds, caterpillars, and oak trees: a plant's eye view of tritophic interactions."
H. Elliott McClure (1936)--Retired in 1975 and has published a variety of books including Bird Banding, Whistling Wings-The Dove Chronicles, Inago-Children of Rice, and several scientific papers. He has a file of past newsletters dating back to 1933!
Mark S. McClure (1975)--Head, Valley Laboratory, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Windsor. Along with administrative duties, he maintains an active research program on the ecology and management of economically important Homoptera of trees and shrubs in forests, nurseries, and ornamental landscapes.
Michael R. McGuire (1985)--Position at USDA, Agri-cultural Research Service, Peoria, IL, where he studies novel entomopathogen formulations systems. This research focuses on the use of corn starch and flour to encapsulate entomopathogens such that they are stable in the environment and are palatable to insects.
Thomas A. Miller--Former instructor. Presently professor, Entomology, University of California, Riverside. He studies genetic control of the pink bollroom.
Adolfo Molina-Pardo (1973)--Associate professor, National University of Columbia, Medillin. He teaches general entomology and insect pollination of tropical crops. He is also Head and Curator, Francisco L. Gallego Entomological Museum.
Thomas E. Moore (1956)--Position with the Exhibit Museum,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His interests are in systematics, evolution, natural history, and acoustic physiology of cicadas.
Moufied A. Moussa (1956)--Retired U.S. Army officer. During his career, he served as the medical entomology consultant to the Army Surgeon General, with responsibilities for disease vector control worldwide along with career management of 85 Army entomologists in uniform. He also was chair, Tropical Medicine, Letterman Army Institute of Research, and research liaison officer to the Assistant Secretary of Defense, where he coordinated entomology research needs of all military services with federal research laboratories.
Intan Ahmad Musmeinan (1992)--Faculty member, Biology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. He is also a staff member in the Inter-University Center for Life Sciences, ITB. He conducts research in insect nutrition with Bombyx mori. "I wish I could teach like Dr. Ellis MacLeod, do I need to wait 20 years??!!"
Jonathan J. Neal (1987)--Associate professor, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN. He teaches the graduate level toxicology class, an undergraduate class about pesticides and an insect physiology lab. His main research focus is amino acid uptake in the midgut and amino acid transporters as potential target sites for insecticides. He continues research on inhibitors of cytochromes P-450.
Herbert N. Nigg (1972)--Faculty member, University of Florida. His work focuses on the exposure of agricultural labor to pesticides. He is editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology.
Gerald L. Nordin (1971)--Professor, Entomology, University of Kentucky. He teaches courses in forest entomology and insect pathology. Previous research has included the enhancement of entomopathogens affecting forest insect pests of Kentucky and entomopathogens for use in pest management systems.
Lance G. Peterson (1968)--Field development specialist, DowElanco's North American Insect/Disease Management Research and Development, Tallahassee, FL. He also has field development responsibilities for DowElanco insecticides, miticides, fungicides, and fumigants in crops for the Southeast U.S., primarily Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and north Florida.
John D. Pinto (1968)--Vice-Chair and Professor, Entomology, University of California, Riverside.
Peter W. Price--Former faculty member. Presently teaching in Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona Uni-versity. "The last newsletter in 1984 found me doing my usual bucket-and-shovel style of insect ecology in Arizona."
Janet L.C. Rapp (1948)--Retired. Working on terrestrial isopods.
Craig Reid (1989)--Teaching action fight choreography at Yale School of Drama, working as a freelance writer of movie reviews for martial art style films, and teaching methods in biology.
Paul W. Riegert (1954)--Retired in 1986 as professor, Biology, University of Regina. He has written A History of Entomology in Western Canada, to 1940 and its sequel A History of Entomology from 1940 to 1990.
P. Elaine Roberts (Advisee)--Professor, Zoology amd Entomology, Colorado State University. She has also served as assistant to the dean of Agricultural Sciences.
Edward M. Sakufiwa (1987)--In 1992 he stated, "After my studies in the United States, I came back home to take up my former job as a Stored Products Entomologist. I have recently applied to join the University of Zambia as a lecturer in entomology."
Sherri Sandberg-Ransom (1987)--Teacher, Jepson Middle School, Vacaville, CA. She was involved in revis-ing the science curriculum, which now has a thematic approach and emphasizes environmental issues.
Soelaksono Sastrodihardjo (1967)--Professor, Entomology, and Director, Inter-University Center Life Sciences- ITB, Indonesia.
Nathan M. Schiff (1988)--Working as a postdoctoral scientist in molecular systematics at the Western Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA. He has distin-guished himself by being the only alum to attend all 13 Insect Fear Film Festivals, traveling from as far away as Washington, DC, in a blizzard.
Alan C. Schroeder (1990)--In 1992 he stated, "During my tenure with AAAS and USAID, I have had the in-valuable experience of working with ministers of agriculture, policy makers, economists, managers, and national and international researchers in some 13 sub-Saharan African countries and the US government on matters of agricultural development assistance through support to regional research networks. The AAAS Fellowship has allowed me to very rapidly expand beyond studying the basic relationship between soybean tissue callus and the soybean looper, the topic of my dissertation, to issues of intellectual property rights and ownership germplasm, soil and water degradation and natural resource conservation, the production and transfer of biotechnologies and infor-mation to developing country researchers, and analysis of research across all agricultural disciplines. I cannot over-emphasize the value of this program and strongly recommend it for the consideration of other UI Entomology graduates."
George K. Schumaker (1935)--Retired in 1977 as national product manager, Insecticide Research, CPC International, New York. He pioneered new organic hydro-carbon chemical research in 1950-55, for the first effective termite control tests and established USEPA-approved application procedures still in use today. He initiated research programs in 1955-65 to develop the first effective soil application control of Japanese Beetle infestations, coined the term "synthetic pyrethroids" in 1969, and in 1970-77 worked on the first synthetic pyrethroid approved by the EPA.
I. Morris Seligman (1968)--In 1992 he stated, "I have been very and most decidedly un-entomological. I've under-gone total integration and assimilation into the promises and potential of plant tissue culture as a viable and profit-able commercial enterprise. We produce a disgustingly large quantity of house plants, ferns, and philodendrons and supply clean meristem derived in other plants, mostly geranium and aster."
Daniel L. Shankland (1955)--Retired in 1989 as chair, Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida. During his career he worked for Stauffer Chemical Co., taught physiology and toxicology at Purdue University, and was head, Entomology, Mississippi State University. In fall 1990, he served on a design team for the second phase of a UF-project in Cameroon; after returning he was project coordinator in the Office of International Programs. In 1992, he stated that, partly because of internal economic and human rights problems in Cameroon, the project was in limbo. He was getting ready to retire again.
Thomas G. Shanower (1982)--Position with the Biological Control Program, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Benin, West Africa. His work is on pest man-agement in pigeon pea, an important protein source in the traditionally vegetarian societies of South Asia.
Joseph K. Sheldon (1972)--Faculty member, Natural Sciences, Messiah College where he was asked to start a major in Environmental Science. Past president of the Entomological Society of America.
Joel P. Siegel (1985)--Research scientist, Center for Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey in the medical entomology program.
Pakkirisamy Sivasubramanian (1973)--Professor, Biology, University of New Brunswick. His interests are in the development of insect nervous system, specifically (a) the influence of neuron-target interactions in the development of the nervous system, (b) axon path-finding in surgically produced supernumerary ectopic appendages, and (c) metamorphosis of immunochemically identified neurons.
James A. Slater (1947)--Retired in 1987 as professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut. He still is actively working on systematics of Lygaeidae. "I must tell you that the years that I spent at Illinois are ones that I look back on with increasing nostalgia. As one grows older it seems that at Urbana, there `were giants in those days.' It was indeed quite a crew especially March, Dahm, Hoogstraal, Knight, Sommerman, Traub, et al. Most were senior to me and viewed at the time with some awe (except when Knight tried to steal my then-current `girl' friend). I really owe W.V. Balduf my `going into entomology' as his first class really wooed me away from Kendeigh and ornithology." Note: 1996 ESA Founder's Award.
Robert J. Snetsinger (1960)--Faculty member, Entomology, Pennsylvania State University. In 1992 he was work-ing on two books--one a kind of rural history and the other a novel. He is author of The Ratcatcher's Child, a history of the pest control industry.
Keith R. Solomon (1973)--Director, Center for Toxicology, and professor, Environmental Biology, University of Guelph. His research is on environmental toxicology as pesticides, industrial pollutants, and human exposure to chemicals.
Kathryn M. Sommerman (1945)--Retired in 1977 as chief research entomologist, Arctic Health Research Center (a USPHS regional lab). She arrived at Illinois with a U-Conn B.S. degree, and worked her way through gradu-ate school (employed first by Entomology, and then the Natural History Survey) illustrating entomology and botany books and scientific articles; translating French; curating insect collection; identifying common pest insects and their control measures; rearing mosquitoes and pyralids for taxonomic study of immatures (also sawflies, summer of '46), and assisting during WWII with mosquito identification workshops for USPHS personnel and conducting pre-liminary field and lab experiments with DDT. During her career, she was instructor, Wells College, assistant professor, Eastern Illinois State College (one quarter only), and entomologist, Army Medical Center. She also worked on the Alaska Insect Project as an entomologist for USDA, at the U.S. National Museum, and did independent research on psocids, and consulting on serious hotel infestation. Since retirement she has served as a consultant for a serious psocid infestation at a brewery and has been doing independent psocid identification and bionomics research.
Shirley S. Statler (1951)--Retired. "I worked with Dr. L.L. English. He was the most considerate and professional person I have ever met."
Daniel A. Strickman (1978)--U.S. Army medical ento-mologist, currently working at Walter Reed Army Institute. His research is on repellents and Rickettsia. Previously he was assigned for 3.5 years in Thailand, working on dengue and scrub typhus.
Donald M. Tuttle (1952)--Retired in 1983 from the Department of Entomology, University of Arizona. Since retirement, he occasionally collect insects in Arizona and during his travels. In particular he collects plant mites.
F. Ray Voorhees (1969)--President, Missouri Academy of Science. He teaches in the Biology Department, Central Missouri State University.
Barbara T. Walton (1978)--Researcher, Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She is an adjunct faculty member in Environmental Toxicology and Ecology, University of Tennessee, as well as adjunct professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Arthur E. Weis (1981)--Associate professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine. He supervises several doctoral students' research on plant-insect systems, including the yucca-yucca moth interaction and galls induced on coyote bush by the gallmidge, Rhapolomyia californica. He teaches general ecology, plant-animal interactions, and entomology.
Thomas H. Wilson (1971)--Head, Biology, Judson College, Marion, AL. He has a particular interest in the natural history of the Black Belt Prairie in central Alabama.
Horne R. Wong--Retired after 40 years of studying forest insects in Winnipeg and Edmonton. He still manages to do some work on sawflies.
Jan Zdarek--Former visiting associate professor. In 1992 he stated, "The highlight of my professional activities during the past years was an opportunity to study physiology and behavior of the tsetse fly in ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya. This gave me a chance not only to share secrets of private life of this remarkable insect, but also to get to know and enjoy nature wonders of one of the most beautiful corners-- East Africa--not to speak about an opportunity to indulge in joint research with my good old friend David Denlinger, also an alumni of UIUC, whom I first met in the lab of Dr. Gottfried Fraenkel, back in 1968."
Willard E. Woodward (1974)--Teaches anatomy and physiology through the Natural Sciences Department, Parkland College, Champaign, IL.
Ellen H. Yerger (1989)--In 1992 she stated, "I have recently begun a second post doc. This is my first opportunity to gain management experience. The grant I'm man-aging is a large study of the genetics and maternal effects components of pathogen tolerance in gypsy moths. It was masterminded by Mary Carol Rossiter, who trusted me to complete it when she went to Quebec to begin a faculty position outside the USDA's funding realm."