Graduate Students in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (GEEB) serves to coordinate and unify the many graduate students conducting research in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including students interested in natural resources, wildlife management, modeling, conservation biology, and related fields. All students at UIUC are welcome to join!
Our activities include organizing an annual research symposium, facilitating weekly round table discussions for graduate students and faculty (Ecolunch), coordinating workshops and career-building programs and providing a social network for students with similar interests.
If you would like to receive email updates about GEEB activities, please subscribe to our listserve.
NEW!! Recognize the achievements of your lab group and friends with our anonymous nomination form. Nominations will receive a shoutout on our twitter and listserv.
Follow us on Twitter @GEEBatUIUC to be informed of the newest happenings with GEEB including outreach, social events, and member meetings!
Interested in UIUC and GEEB?? Check out this virtual tour of campus/town and more illustrations of the awesome things GEEB is doing!