Scott is a 3rd year PhD student from Entomology working in the Harmon-Threatt lab. His work focuses on hover flies (family Syrphidae) and their winter survival strategies including local overwintering and long-distance migration.
What have you been working on this past week?
I was able to spend the first part of Spring Break 2K19 in Cincinnati, Ohio attending the North Central Branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America where I got to present my research in the Pollination and Biological Control Symposium. It was really nice because I got a whole 25 minutes to explain the details of my research! I also got to catch up with entomology friends from other schools. We went to an awesome free arcade bar (with purchase of drinks of course) where my friend Kadie (Virginia Tech) and I discovered our talent for the game Moon Patrol. Alas, I had to return to C-U on Tuesday. On Wednesday I mostly just responded to emails and did my taxes (fun!), today I am clipping the wings and legs off of dead hover flies (my new past-time), and tomorrow will be my first field day of the year! Hmm what papers am I reading you ask? I just downloaded the paper Age structure of horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) populations estimated by pterin concentrations. Hopefully it’s a riveting one!

Do you have any pets?
I have a pet corn snake named Archer. You might be wondering if he’s named after the TV show, but he’s actually named after Archer, leader of the Gorgonites from the classic movie Small Soldiers.

Describe your office. If you could change one thing what would it be?
My office is in the middle of the hall on the 2nd floor of Morrill. There are five of us in here and we’ve got a nice little refrigerator, microwave, and insect photos galore. It’s not so bad, but if I could change anything I’d like a window and some good cellphone reception. Also, I would like to give Sir Pidgeolot (see below) a tiny sword.

Any upcoming events you want to mention?
On Saturday we will bring our Insect Petting Zoo to the Champaign Public Library. We’ll have our cockroaches, beetles, and tarantulas (including everyone’s favorite, Cecelia) on display for people to hold and touch. I’ve been told to expect 400-500 people, so it’ll be a big event!
A view of your week