
GEEB’s 2024-2025 Officer Team

President: Becky Cloud

Becky: I am a third year PhD Student in PEEC in the Cáceres lab. I research the effects of the microbiome and Wolbachia on mosquito life history and vector competence. I also enjoy mentoring and community outreach. My hobbies include GEEB happy hours, event planning, social media, thrifting, mani-pedis, and getting a little sweet treat at the end of the day.

New Membership Director: Avalon Feiler

Avalon: Avalon is a second year EEB(Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior) Master’s student in Phil Anderson’s lab. She studies the biomechanics and functional morphology of fish armor, specifically from the family Agonidae. They love talking about the intersection of biology, physics, and engineering, and are interested in pursuing a career in science communication. Outside of academics, she loves puzzles, board games, hiking, dungeons & dragons, movies, and most of all, her cat Dante!

Treasurer: Amanda Martinez

Amanda: Amanda is a 2nd year EEB Ph.D. student in the Collaborative Conservation Genetics Lab under the guidance of Dr. Mark Davis. Her research focuses on utilizing advanced genomic techniques to preserve endangered species, with a specific focus on the Louisiana pine snake. Amanda’s broader research interests lie in conserving herpetofauna and safeguarding imperiled species. Outside of academia, she enjoys photography, running, and herping.

Social and Extracurricular Events Team: Joe Bielanski & Avalon Feiler

Joe: I’m Joe, a 3rd year PhD student in the Kukekova lab studying the genetics of social behavior using Red Foxes from the famed Fox Domestication Project as my model. Generally speaking, I’m using transcriptomics to evaluate differences in their response systems. Outside of being a lab rat, you can find me at punk shows, playing bass guitar, hanging out with my cat or watching baseball/hockey (depending on the season!). Come talk to me about any of the above at a happy hour! and

Online Media Director: Jason Zheng

Jason: I am a second-year PEEC PhD student in Katy Heath’s lab, stuyding evolution of mutualism using the legume-rhizobia model. I like gardening, Sci-fi movies and video games. You can always see me watering my adorable plants!

Outreach Coordinator

Coming soon!

Symposium Co-coordinators: Natalie Belloso & Tang Wilfred

Natalie: I am the 3rd year PhD student in the Department of Plant Biology. I love being outside and looking at the cloud roll on by. Please DM if you want to make art and go on hikes together.

Tang: I am a first year EEB PhD student from Hong Kong in Andy Suarez’s lab. I am interested in the biomechanics, systematics and evolution of ants, particularly that of miniature trap-jaw ants (Strumigenys). I enjoy reading both fictions & non-fictions, building models, and playing board & card games in my free time. and

Eco-lunch Coordinator

Coming soon!