Matt is a 4th year PhD in NRES. He works at Dr. Jen Fraterrigo’s landscape ecology lab, studying how herbaceous communities are structured in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and how these extremely diverse communities may respond to accelerated climate change, with the aim of improving plant conservation efforts.
A Week in the Life – Angel G. Rivera-Colón
Angel is a third year PhD student at the Department of Animal Biology in the Catchen Lab. He works on population and comparative genomics of Antarctic Icefishes.
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18th Annual Graduate Student Symposium Talk Schedule
Hello All,
The Annual Graduate Student Symposium will be held on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 and will run from 8:15am – 4:15pm followed by a reception/ poster session at Array Cafe from 4:15 – 6:30pm!
Presenting author and titles are listed below for both the talk and poster sessions. To see the entire program CLICK HERE
Talk Session (8:15-4:15 in B102 Chemical and Life Sciences Lab B.):
Poster Session (4:30-6:30 in the Concourse Cafe space on the first floor of IGB):
Jaime Coon: Grassland bird community response to an invasive grass and management using herbicde
Joshua Gibson: Comparative functional morphology and kinematics of miniature trap-jaw ant (Strumigenys spp.) mandible strikes
Katie Heineman: The importance of wood nutrient storage in tropical forest nutrient cycles: insights from a sapling defoliation experiment in Panama
Janice Kelly: Density dependent effects on conspecific cue use for habitat selection and reproductive success in yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia)
Nicholas LaRacuente: Timescale separation and functional response in consumer-resource dynamics
Kelsey Low: Thermal challenges of overwintering eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) in eastern Illinois
Bailey Morrison: The post-glacial species velocity of Picea glauca following the last glacial maximum in Alaska
Scott Nelson: A systematic review of the impacts of invasive plants on avian ecology
Tolulope Perrin-Stowe: The evolution and phylogeography of African elephant mitochondrial genomes
Christina Vercillo: Effects of prairie management on soil characteristics and bees
October 10, 2015 – Curious Critters
Dear GEEB community,
We had a fantastic time at the Urbana Free Library on October 10th, where, in one hour, we had 76 visitors come to see four interactive displays! A big thanks to everyone who participated and made this day special for a bunch of people.
Best wishes from your Outreach Coordinator,
Read more to see photos from the event!
May 30 2015 – Science at the Market
April 10 2015 – Leal Science Night
October 2014 – Science at the Market
On October 18th, GEEB volunteers braved the chilly weather to bring science to the Urbana Farmer’s Market! We demonstrated local mammals, birds, and reptiles that can be found right here in Illinois, and educated members of the public on their basic biology. Visitors were especially excited to see the giant groundhog and the live reptiles. We had a fantastic turnout despite the cold weather!
Change in venue: happy hour at Quality this week!
Happy hour today at 5
February 2014 – Backyard Ecology
GEEB members took to the Urbana Free Library once again, this time to show off our diversity of wildlife and knowledge thereof. We filled the auditorium with plants, fungi, fish, insects, reptiles, birds and mammals, covering the alphabet spectrum from arabidopsis to zooplankton. Kids and parents alike were thrilled to see and learn about the variety of live and stuffed critters, many of which could be found right here in their own backyards.