I know this is a crazy last minute volunteer call, and many of you are out of town, but for those still hanging around please consider.
This Saturday, after the Parade of Lights in Champaign, the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum is having the opening night for their annual Snow Globe event. There will be a plethora of winter themed activities for children and they are currently short on volunteers. It will only run from approximately 6pm (whenever the parade ends) to 8pm. Volunteers are provided with snacks and drinks, as well as, a complimentary feeling of internal joy for having made a child smile.
This event is usually held from 1pm to 5pm every Saturday in December, and they are still looking for volunteers on the 14th and 21st. If you are interested, but out of town during Thanksgiving weekend, you are welcome to help out during one of these other days.
Please let me know if anyone is interested to assist with any of these times.