Honoring Govindjee, celebrating 90 years

green leaf Honoring Govindjee on his 92nd birthday with a review of his many achievements.

Stirbet A, Eaton-Rye JJ, Lazár D, Guo Y, Kumar A and Lichtenthaler HK (2024) Govindjee’s Breakthrough Research Before His Retirement and Accomplishments During the Following 25 Years. International Journal of Life Sciences 13(3) 99-140

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green leaf Don Ort & friends cite Govindjee's immense contribution to area of photosynthesis

Ort DR, Chinnusamy V and Pareek A (2022) Photosynthesis: diving deep into the process in the era of climate change. Plant Physiology Reports 27: 539-542. online: DOI 10.1007/s40502-022-00703-7

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green leaf Appreciative authors outline & celebrate Govindjee's life and scientific dedication

Stirbet A, Shevela D, Pareek A, Naithani S, Björn LO, Eaton-Rye JJ and Nonomura A (2022) Govindjee's 90th birthday: a life dedicated to photosynthesis. Plant Physiology Reports 27(4): 543-557. online: DOI 10.1007/s40502-022-00690-9

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green leaf Colleagues & friends congratulate Govindjee on his 90th birthday

Naithani S, Stirbet A, Shevela D, Pareek A, Björn LO, Eaton-Rye JJ and Nonomura A (2022) Govindjee's 90th birthday - Congratulations from friends and colleagues. Current Plant Biology 32: 100263. online: DOI 10.1016/j.cpb.2022.100263

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Seibert M, Mattoo A and Kumar A (2022) A Special Toast to Govindjee Govindjee on Celebrating his 90th Birthday on 24 October 2022. International Journal of Life Sciences 11(3) 156-175. abstract online: DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2022.00015.X

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Shitov, AV (2022) An Insight into the Bicarbonate Effect in Photosystem II through the Prism of the JIP Test. Photochem 2:779–797. abstract online: DOI 10.3390/photochem2030050 (On p.795, under “Acknowledgments”, Shitov dedicates this paper to Govindjee celebrating his 90th birthday.)

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green leaf Govindjee's sole author works show he's the true educator of our time

Lichtenthaler H, Ashwani K, Mohan PS and Nonomura A (2022) Single-authored Work of Govindjee, Mister Photosynthesis International Journal of Life Sciences 11(3): 176-184. abstract online: DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2022.00016.1

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green leaf Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research

Nonomura A and Kumar A (2022) Celebrating the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research to Govindjee, Who Hails from Allahabad International Journal of Life Sciences 11(3): 153-155. abstract online: DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2022.00014.8

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Jajoo A, Subramanyam R, Garab G and Allakhverdiev SI (2022) Honoring two stalwarts of photosynthesis research: Eva-Mari Aro and Govindjee Photosynth Res. online: DOI 10.1007/s11120-022-00988-7

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green leaf India's 75th year of Independence, coincidentally the year of Govindjee's 90th birthday

Sharma NK (2023) Govindjee Govindjee (born 24 October 1932): India’s Gift to the Photosynthetic Community.
In: “Descendants of Kanada: Life Sketches of Some Indian Scientists" (S.P.M. Tripathi, N.K. Sharma, V. Paramanik and V.P. Singh, eds.), published on India’s Independence Day (August 15), Indira Gandhi National Tribal University & Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur & New Delhi, pp. 199-218. ISBN: 978-81-962465-1-8 (H/B). online: ResearchGate citation and full-text

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green leaf Honoring Govindjee: an architect for conceptual evolution of photosynthesis Z-scheme

Mohapatra PK, Swain BB and Mishra S (2023) Govindjee: One of the major architects for the conceptual evolution of the Z-scheme of photosynthesis. IJLS - An International Journal of Life Sciences 12 (1): 21-43. online: DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2023.00003.9

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Kutschera U and Khanna R (2023) Why Teaching Evolution and Photosynthesis is Imperative for an Understanding of the Living World. IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 10 (12): 1-4. online: ResearchGate.net

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green leaf A retrospective of Govindjee's research findings, methods, and achievements.

Veena M, Sameena PP, Sarath NG, Noble L, Aswathi KPR, Amritha MS, Johnson R, Joel JM, Anjitha KS, Hou HJM and Puthur JT (2023) Revelations on photosystem II, thermoluminescence, and artificial photosynthesis: a retrospective of Govindjee from fundamentals to applications Physiol Mol Biol Plants (November 2023).

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green leaf Minireview articles highlighting specific scientific contributions by Govindjee.

Stirbet A, Naithani S, Shevela D, Björn LO, Eaton-Rye JJ and Nonomura A (2023) On the Reactions in Oxygenic Photosynthesis as Related to the Z-scheme: Contributions by Govindjee. LS - An International Journal of Life Sciences, 12 (3): 151-185. DOI: 10.5958/2319-1198.2023.00015.5

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Swain BB, Mishra S and Mohapatra PK (2023) Fifty Years of Research on the “Bicarbonate Effect” in Photosystem II: A Mini-Review. LS - An International Journal of Life Sciences, 12 (3): 115-140. DOI: 10.5958/2319-1198.2023.00013.1

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green leaf A 2023 presentation by Rita Khanna and Barbara Zilinskas: On behalf of Govindjee’s past graduate students PDF document icon
green leaf Conversation with Govindjee on his life and work (2022) Vimeo
green leaf Autobiographical memories of Govindjee in an interview

Block JE (2022) Life of Govindjee, known as Mister Photosynthesis Jour Pl Sci Res 38(1): 1-22.

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green leaf Additional recognition of Govindjee's Honors and Awards from 2022 & other years Link

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March 2018