Biochemistry 494-A
Fluorescence as a Probe of Biological Structure and Function
Organized by: GOVINDJEE
These web pages deal with fluorescence as a
probe of biochemical and biophysical reactions in several biological systems.
Fluorescence is an intrinsic, non-invasive and highly sensitive probe of
biological reactions. In addition, fluorescence of chromophores is used
to monitor excitation energy migration and transfer. In these pages, we
will examine the principles and the methods for measuring the lifetime,
quantum yields, polarization, action and emission spectra of fluorescence
in several biological systems. Examples will be taken from biology and
here to see references for reviews on "Fluorescence of Single Molecules"
from Science (March 12, 1999) |
Office: 283 Morrill Hall
Telephone: 217-333-1794
Lecture Topics and Dates
*Two additional meetings
will be added during the course. Dates are yet to be determined.
We will take a field trip to the Laboratory
of Fluorescence Dynamic (LFD) in the Physics Department.
[1] Dr. T.L. Hazlett will give a lecture/demonstration
of various instruments to measure lifetime; anisotropy; stopped-flow,
spectra, etc
[2] Professor William Mantulin will give a lecture/demonstration
of the advances in "two-photon" experiments; fluorescence microscopy;
and use of scattering in detecting breast cancer.
References for lecture topics provided under the date's link.
Information pertaining to the lecture found under the topic links
List of Some Books on Fluorescence
and its Application
Sidney Udenfriend (1962) Fluorescence Assay in
Biology and Medicine. Academic Press
D.M. Hercules, Ed. (1966) Fluorescence and
phosphorescence analysis:
principles and applications. Interscience
Sergei V. Konev (editor), Translated into English
by S.Udenfriend (1967) Fluorescence and Phosphorescence of Proteins and
Nucleic Acids. Original is in Russian. LC 67-10309 (0-608-05423-2;2065892)
C.A. Parker (1968) Photoluminescence of Solutions.
With applications to
photochemistry and analytical chemistry. Elsevier
Pub. Co.
Sidney Udenfriend (1969) Fluorescence Assay in
Biology and Medicine, Volume II. Academic Press
Ralph S. Becker (1969) Theory and Interpretation
of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence. Wiley Intersceience
J.B. Birks (1970) Photophysics of Aromatic Molecules.
A.A. Thaer and M. Sernetz (editors) (1973)Fluorescence
Techniques in Cell Biology. Springer Verlag
George G. Guilbault (1973) Practical Fluorescence,
Theory, Methods and Techniques. Marcel Dekker
J.B. Birks, Ed. (1973-1975) Organic molecular
Photophysics 2 vols. J. Wiley
Joseph R. Lakowicz (1983) Principles of Fluorescence
Spectroscopy. Plenum.
Link to
provides information on the upcoming revised edition of the current book:
Joseph R. Lakowicz (1983) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Plenum
Publshing, New York (ISBN: 0-306-41285-3).
Edward W. Voss Jr. (editor)(1984) Fluorescein
Hapten: An Immunological Probe. (0-8493-5070-0, QR 187, CRC Reprint), Franklin
Govindjee, J. Amesz, and D.C. Fork (editors) (1986)
Light Emission by Plants and Bacteria. Academic Press
D.M. Jameson and G.D. Reinhart (editors) (1989)
Fluorescent Biomolecules: Methodologies and Applications. Plenum
Yu-li Wang and D.Lansing Taylor (editors)(1990)
Fluorescence Microscopy of Living Cells in Culture,
Parts A and B (Methods in Cell Biology Series),
Academic Press.
W.T. Mason (1993) Fluorescent and Luminescent
Probes for Biological Activity: A Practical Guide to Technology for Quantitative
Analysis. (Biological Techniques Series), Academic Press.
J. Slavik (1994) Fluorescent Probes in Cellular
and Molecular Biology. CRC Press.
Jan Slavik (1995) Fluorescence Microscopy and
Fluorescent Probes: Based on the Proceedings of a Conference Held in Prague,
Czech Republic, Plenum
X.F. Wang and Brian Herman (editors) (1996) Fluorescence
Imaging Spectroscopy and Microscopy (Chemical Analysis Series, Volume 137),
Ludwig Brand and others (editors) (1997) Fluorescence
Spectroscopy (Methods in Enzymology Series, Volume 278), Academic Press.
G. Richard and others (1997) Fluorescein Angiography:
Textbook and Atlas.2nd edition.(3-13741902-6) Thieme Med Pubs.
* Martin Chalfie and Steven Kain (editors) (1998)
GFP, Green Fluorescenct Protein: Properties, Applications, and Proteins
Wiley-Liss, John Wiley and Sons,Incpp 384.
Dan Sacken (1999) Fluorescence Methods and Protocols.
(Methods in Molecular Biolgy Series), Humana.
* Kevin F. Sullivan and Steven A. Kay (editors)
(1999) Green Fluorescent Proteins in "Methods in Cell Biology" Volume 58,
pp. 386.
* Both are in the UIUC bookstore, and they
are both available as paperbacks.,
Page Maintainer: Norman Lee (
Under Construction
Updated April 18, 1999