(Left to Right): Aditi Tiwari (Visiting Scientist from India) ;
Joan Huber (Visiting Coordinator, Plant Biology, Professional Science
Masters (PSM) Program, UIUC); Laura Stein (2015 Robert Emerson Awardee);
Govindjee; and Darshi Banan (2015 Govindjee & Rajni Govindjee Awardee).
Photo was taken by Rajni Govindjee.
(Left to Right): Rajni Govindjee; Laura Stein; Govindjee; and Darshi Banan. In the background is Govindjee’s 1965 scheme of photosynthesis; fingers are pointing at "P680", the reaction center chlorophyll a that was predicted to work in Photosystem II, but discovered only 4 years later in 1969 in Horst Witt’s Lab in Berlin.