PhD Theses from Govindjee's
Lab (1965-1996)

Govindjee in Biophysics, UIUC (1960)
Rajni Varma Govindjee in Botany, UIUC (1961)
[1] Carl Nelson Cederstrand, 1965: Spectrophotometric and Spectrofluorometric Characterization of the Two Pigment Systems in Photosynthesis
[2] George Papageorgiou, 1968: Fluorescence Induction in Chlorella Pyrenoidosa and Anacystis Nidulans and its Relation to Photophosphorylation
[3] John Clingman Munday, Jr, 1968: The Fluroescence Transient of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa
[4] Frederick Yi-Tung Cho, 1969: Low Temperature Spectroscopy of Algae
[5] Ted Mar, 1971: Primary Photoprocesses in the Photosynthesis of Algae
[6] Prasanna
Mohanty, 1972: Regulation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence During Photosynthesis
[7] Glenn Wesley Bedell II, 1972: Photophosphorylation in Intact Algae
[8] Maarib Darwish Lutfi Bakri, 1972: A Photosynthetic Study of Olive Necrotic 8147 Mutant and Normal Maize (Zea Mays L.)
[9] Alan James Stemler, 1974: The Bicarbonate Ion and Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution
[10] Barbara Ann Zilinskas, 1975: Photosystem II Reactions in Thylakoid Membranes
[11] David Lee Vandermeulen, 1977: Partial Characterization of Adenine Nucleotide Binding to Isolated Chloroplast Coupling Factor
[12] Paul Andrew Jursinic, 1977: Photosystem II Charge Stabilization Reactions in Isolated Chloroplasts
[13] Thomas John Wydrzynski, 1977: The Role of Manganese in Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution
[14] Daniel Wong, 1979: Regulation of Electronic Excitation Energy Distribution in the Primary Photoprocesses of Photosynthesis in Thylakoids
[15] Rita Khanna, 1980: Role of Bicarbonate and of Manganese in Photosystem II Reactions of Photosynthesis
[16] William Joseph Coleman, 1987: The Mechanism of Chloride Activation of Oxygen Evolution in Spinach Photosystem II
[17] Julian John Eaton-Rye, 1987: Bicarbonate Reversible Anionic Inhibition of the Quinone Reductase in Photosystem II
[18] Danny J. Blubaugh, 1987: The Mechanism of Bicarbonate Activation of Plastoquinone Reduction in Photosystem II of Photosynthesis
[19] Hyunsuk Shim, 1992: Investigations of the Water Oxidation Complex in PS II
[20] Jiancheng Cao, 1992: Effects of Amino Acid Residue Substitutions on Bicarbonate Function in the Plastoquinone Reductase in Cyanobacteria
[21] Chunhe Xu, 1992: Differential Inhibition of the Plastoquinone Reductase Activity by Weak Organic Acids and its Relationship to the Bicarbonate Effect in Spinach Thylakoids
[22] Jin Xiong, 1996: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Photosystem II Reaction Center: Implications for Bicarbonate Binding and Function
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