Heath Lab News

Congrats to James! He will be studying how rhizobia impact plants when they are not in the nodules!

Jennifer Jones, now a postdoc at Michigan State, has two recent papers out from her dissertation on wood composition in the tropics! You can find one on habitat (water/land) differences here and one on the effects of bark on decay here.

Natalie Christian started her lab at the University of Louisville in January! She is missed by all, but luckily we get to keep collaborating on the fungal endophytes (like this one) that infect soybean leaves and how they interact with plant physiology, each other, and bacteria!

Baldemar did some awesome research this summer on interactions between soybean-associated fungi and yeasts! The whole lab showed up to see him present.

Laura Goralka carries a heavy load of dry ice and tubes of frozen nodule tissue, but her reward awaits.

From left: Katy Heath, Alex Riley, Rebecca Batstone, Hanna Lindgren