Heath Lab News

December 2012: Collaborative NSF grant on intermontane refugia in the pacific NW, led by Dan Gavin with Solomon Dobrowski and Feng-Sheng Hu, is recommended for funding!

November 29, 2012: Start revving your Ecological Genetics engines: IB 405 starts spring 2013!

November 29, 2012: Science Politely, SIB graduate students’ contributions to Champaign-Urbana’s local online magazine Smile Politely, continues to attract top readership. Michelle Duennes’s article is the #1 article last week. Woot!

November 2, 2012: Katy and students (Lisa Powers, Dan Scholes, and Abby Berkey) from outreach course Amplify the Signal are featured on Smile Politely Radio (5:30pm Fridays on WEFT Community Radio, and by podcast)!

October 26, 2012: Online articles from graduate students in our course, “Amplify the Signal”, were introduced today and start going up next week! More updates to come!

September 2012:

Amanda Gorton’s manuscript on QTL mapping of symbiosis traits has been accepted to G3!

Go Amanda!

August 2012: Katy and Elizabeth’s graduate course on science communication, “Amplify the Signal”, gets a running start with 21 enthusiastic and impressively-experienced graduate students! We are writing online articles, doing radio spots, and working with the Orpheum on outreach.

August 2012: New MS student Christie Klinger arrives in Champaign-Urbana. She will study rhizobium adaptation to nitrogen fertilization!

August 2012: Collaborative grant with Astrid Ferrer and Jim Dalling is funded by NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity. We will be dodging the crocodiles in Coiba. Not too shabby!

August 2012: Two new papers are available online (though not yet indexed in WoS): “Variation in the nodule transcriptome” and “Coevolutionary constraints”!