Asclepiadaceae |
Note: In your textbook, the Asclepiadaceae is treated an a subfamily of the Apocynaceae (dogbane family). However, the information below applies ONLY to the Asclepiadaceae. Flowers: Perfect, actinomorphic; filaments, anthers, and stigma fused into a gynostegium; petals often with horn & hood that make up the corona; pollen in pollinia, pollinia of adjacent anther sacs connected by translator arms with gland or corpusculum; carpels 2, superior, free below; many marginal ovules Inflorescences: Umbels or cymes, flowers solitary in succulent species Fruits: Follicles, seeds with COMA of hairs Habit: Perennial herbs, vines, often trees and shrubs in the tropics, succulents in South Africa; sap milky Leaves: Opposite or whorled, simple, entire, no stipules
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