Course Information - for Fall & Spring semesters only


Dr. David Rivier

E-mail to Dr. Rivier should be titled "MCB 317" to insure as prompt a response as possible; email should only be from a University account.  Scheduled office hours may vary- see the website and lecture notes for updates on office hour times and locations.
Office Hours:
Dr. Rivier's office hours are posted on the lecture material Moodle page. Note that in addition to Dr. Rivier's office hours, MCB 317 students are welcome in the office hours of any of the TAs, not just the office hours of the TA that runs your particular discussion section.


TR 12:30-1:50. Lecture Materials are on our course Moodle site.


MCB250, MCB251, MCB252 and MCB253 OR consent of the instructor.


Required:The print or eBook version of "Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, Seventh Edition", by Michael Goldberg, Janice Fischer, Leroy Hood, Leland Hartwell
Available at


The information contained in a traditional syllabus are included in this page. The material on our website supersedes the material contained in this version of the syllabus.

Course Web Site:
Regular access to the course web site is considered essential for the course. The course web site will contain the most updated course information.  The content on other pages of this web site and in the lecture notes supersedes the content on this page.


2 midterms and 1 non-cumulative Final.
Each exam will count for 30% of the course grade.
LON CAPA quizzes will count for 10% the course grade.
Discussion Sections:
You must attend the discussion section in a given week in order to get points for the LON CAPA weekly quiz that is due that week. If you do not attend a discussion in a given week (or do not have an excused absence for that week) you will not receive any points for the quiz due in that given week.
Grading Scale:

A+ 96.00-100%
A 90.00-95.99%
B+ 89.00-89.99%
B 80.00-88.99%
C+ 79.00-79.99%
C 70.00-78.99%
D+ 69.00-69.99%
D 60.00-68…..99%
F <60.00%

Instructor reserves the right to alter the grading scale downward (in the students favor) if the classes overall performance merits the use of a grading curve. Typically a curve is employed if less than 25% of the class achieve a score of 90.00% or higher.

Attendance Policy:
1. In order to receive credit for the weekly online quizzes a student must attend the discussion the week the quiz is due.
2. Face-to-face lectures are recorded live and posted online for students to view/re-view. It is strongly recommended that students attend the live lecture and rely on the recorded copies of those lectures only for study purposes. However, attendance in lecture is not mandatory.
Statement on Academic Integrity
According to the Student Code, 'It is the responsibility of each student to refrain from infractions of academic integrity, from conduct that may lead to suspicion of such infractions, and from conduct that aids others in such infractions.' Please know that it is my responsibility as an instructor to uphold the academic integrity policy of the University, which can be found at:
Disability accommodations
To ensure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed from the beginning, students with disabilities who require assistance to participate in this class are asked to provide the instructor with a DRES accommodation letter as soon as possible.

Exam Dates:

Exam dates are tentative and will be confirmed in lecture prior to each exam
Midterm 1:
Thursday, February 22, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Midterm 2:
Thursday, April 4, 7:00-9:00 pm.
Final Exam:
Monday May 6, 1:30-4:30 pm.