Nanney Autobiographic Essays
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Tilting at Windmills
Educational Misadventures in the Big Ten
Draft - 02-10-06

Table of Contents


  1. The Taxonomy of Biologists
  2. A Michigan Initiation
  3. The Economic Status of Biology Faculties
  4. A Young Man Goes West
  5. Comparing Institutions
  6. Curricular Development at Illinois
  7. The Genetics Graduate Program
  8. Hands On Biology
  9. Rolling the Dice
  10. The Biology Honors Program
  11. Biology Texts
  12. Inside SOLS
  13. Fruit Basket Upset
  14. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  15. The End of the Era
  16. The Death of G-D
  17. Science, Technology and Society
  18. Luring Engineers Across Green Street
  19. University Educational Priorities
  20. Faculty Appeals Committee
  21. Lucy Holds The Football Again
  22. Biology and Medicine