Systematics Resources:
Association of Systematics Collections
BankIt - GenBank submissions by WWW
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Family Polydnaviridae
INBio (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Costa Rica)
IUBio Archive for Biology Data and Software
National Science Foundation
NCBI Taxonomy webpage
Oxford University group in phylogeny and evolution
Phylogenetics Resources (U.C.Berkeley)
SUNY software for morphometric analysis
Taxonomy and Systematics at Glasgow (Rod Page)
The Purvis Lab at Silwood Park
The Nature Conservancy
The PHYLIP Homepage
r8s (Sanderson programs for evolutionary rates and divergence times)
The Social Insects Web
The Tree of Life Homepage
TreeBase Homepage
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
WORLDMAP: Measuring Biodiversity
FARSIDE site (Massey University)