Publications |
Direct cellular peptidomics of hypothalamic neurons. |
Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates excitability in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons.
Supplemental Materials |
Circadian integration of glutamergic signals by little SAAS in novel suprachiasmatic circuits. |
Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates membrane excitability in hippocampal CA1 neurons. |
Circadian redox rhythms in the regulation of neuronal excitability. |
Mitchell JW, Atkins N Jr, Sweedler JV, Gillette MU. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 2011 Oct; 32 (4):377-386. DOI:10.1016/j.yfrne.2011.02005. |
Wang, TA, Yu YV, Govindaiah G, Ye X, Artinian L, Coleman TP, Sweedler JV, Cox CL, Gillette MU.Science. 2012 Aug 17; 337 (6096):839-842. |
Atkins N Jr, Mitchell JW, Romanova EV, Morgan DJ, Cominski TP, Ecker JL, Pintar JE, Sweedler JV, Gillette MU. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 7;5(9):e12612.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012612. |
Naseri Kouzehgarani G, Bothwell MY, Gillette MU. Eur. J. Neuroscience. 2020 Jan 04; 51(1). DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14626. |
Bothwell MY & Gillette MU. FRBM. 2018 May 1; 119: 45-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.01.025. |
Other Gillette Publications:
- G. Naseri Kouzehgarani, M.Y. Bothwell, M.U. Gillette.
Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates membrane excitability in hippocampal CA1 neurons.
Eur. J. Neurosci.
Special Issue: Circadian Rhythms. 2020; 51(1): 34-46. DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14334.
Supplemental Materials
- C.D.Kaufman, S.C. Liu, C.S. Cvetkovic, C. Lee, G. Naseri Kouzehgarani, R. Gillette, R. Bashir, M.U. Gillette.
Emergence of functional neuromuscular junctions in an engineered, multicellular spinal cord-muscle bioactuator.
APL Bioeng.
Special Topic Issue: Biohybrid Machines. 2020; Accepted.
- P.T. Lindberg, J. W. Mitchell, P. W. Burgoon, C. Beaule, E. Weihe, M. K-H. Schaefer, L.E. Eiden, S. Z. Jiang, M.U. Gillette.
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP)-glutamate co-transmission drives circadian phaseadvancing responses to intrinsically
photosensitive retinal ganglion cell projections by suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Front. Neurosci.
2019 Dec; 13: 1281. eCollection 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01281.
- M.E. Kandel, C. Hu, G. Naseri Kouzehgarani, E. Min, K.M. Sullivan, H. Kong, J.M. Li, D.N. Robson, M.U. Gillette, C. Best-Popescu, G. Popescu.
Epi-illumination gradient light interference microscopy for imaging opaque structures.
Nat. Comm.
2019 Oct 16; 10(1): 4691. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12634-3.
- W.C. Ballance, E.C. Qin, H.J. Chung, M.U. Gillette, H. Kong.
Reactive oxygen species-responsive drug delivery systems for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
2019 Oct; 217: 119292. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2019.119292.
- E.C. Qin, M.E. Kandel, E. Liamas, T.B. Shah, C. Kim, C.D. Kaufman, Z.J. Zhang, G. Popescu, M.U. Gillette, D.E. Leckband, H. Kong.
Graphene oxide substrates with N-cadherin stimulates neuronal growth and intracellular transport.
Acta Biomater.
2019 May; 90:412-423. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.04.005.
- C. Hu, R. Sam, M. Shan, V. Nastasa, M. Wang, T. Kim, M.U. Gillette, P. Sengupta, G. Popescu.
Optical excitation and detection of neuronal activity.
J. Biophotonics 2019 Mar; 12(3): e201800269.
- R.D. Kamm, R. Bashir, N. Arora, R.D. Dar, M.U. Gillette, L.G. Griffith, M.L. Kemp, K. Kinlaw, M. Levin, A.C. Martin, T.C. McDevitt,
R.M. Nerem, M.J. Powers, T.A. Saif, J. Sharpe, S. Takayama, S. Takeuchi, R. Weiss, K. Ye, H.G. Yevick, M.H. Zaman.
Perspective: The promise of multi-cellular engineered living systems.
APL Bioeng. 2018 Dec; 2(4): 040901. DOI: 10.1063/1.5038337
- O.V. Cangellaris, E.A. Corbin, P. Froeter, J.A. Michaels, X. Li, M.U. Gillette.
Aligning synthetic hippocampal neural circuits via self-rolled-up silicon nitride microtube arrays.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (42): 35705-35714.
Online 9 October 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b10233
- E.K. Neumann, T.J. Comi, N.Spegazzini, J.W. Mitchell, S.S. Rubakhin, M.U. Gillette, R. Bhargava, J.V. Sweedler.
Multimodal chemical analysis of the brain by high mass resolution mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopic imaging.
Anal. Chem. 2018, 90 (19): 11572-11580.
Online 19 September 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02913
- N. Atkins, Jr., S. Ren, N. Hatcher, P.W. Burgoon, J.W. Mitchell, J.V. Sweedler, M.U. Gillette.
Functional peptidomics: Stimulus- and time-of-day-specific peptide release in the mammalian circadian clock.
ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2018, 9 (8): 2001-2008.
Online 20 June 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00089
- O.V. Cangellaris & M.U. Gillette.
Biomaterials for enhancing neuronal repair.
Frontiers in Materials
Special Issue: Biomaterials (Invited Review), 2018.
10 April 2018. DOI: doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2018.00021
- M.Y. Bothwell & M.U. Gillette.
Circadian redox rhythms in the regulation of neuronal excitability.
Free Radical Biol. Med.
Special Issue: Circadian Regulation of Metabolism, Redox Signaling and Function in Health and Disease (Invited Review), 2018, 119:45-55.
On-line 2018 Feb 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.01.025.
- Seo, Y., J. Leong, J.Y.Teo , J.W. Mitchell, M.U. Gillette, B. Han, J. Lee, H. Kong.
Active antioxidizing particles for on-demand pressure-driven molecular release.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
2017 Oct 18;9(41):35642-35650. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b12297. Epub 2017 Oct 9.
- Wu, Q., J.L. Chu, S.S. Rubakhin, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler.
Dopamine-modified TiO2 monolith-assisted LDI MS imaging: Development and application to simultaneous localization of small metabolites
and large lipids in mouse brain tissue with high detection selectivity and sensitivity.
Chem. Sci.
2017, 8 (5): 3926-3938. DOI: 10.1039/C7SC00937B. PMID:28553535; PMCID: PMC5433501
- Zhang, D., J. Lee, M. B. Sun, Y. Pei, J. Chu, M. U. Gillette, T. M. Fan, K. A. Kilian.
Combinatorial discovery of defined substrates that promote a stem cell state in malignant melanoma.
ACS Cent. Sci.
2017 May 24; 3(5): 381 - 393. DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.6b00329 PMCID: PMC5445527
- Kandel, M.E., G. Naseri Kouzehgarani , T. H. Nguyen , M.U. Gillette, G. Popescu.
Label-free tomographic reconstruction of optically thick structures using GLIM (Conference Proceedings).
Proc. SPIE 10074, Quantitative Phase Imaging III, 1007403 (April 24, 2017) DOI:10.1117/12.2257046
- Ma, L., G. Rajshekhar, R. Wan, B. Bhadur, S. Sridhara, M. Mir, A. Chakraborty, R. Iyer, S. Prasanth, L. Millet, M. U. Gillette & G. Popescu.
Phase correlation imaging of unlabeled cell dynamics.Sci. Rep. 2016,6:32702. DOI: 10.1038/srep32702. PMID: 27615512; PMCID: MPC5018886
- Kandalepas, P.C., J.W. Mitchell, M.U. Gillette. 2016.
Melatonin signal transduction pathways require E-Box mediated transcription of Per1 and Per2 to reset the SCN clock at dusk.
PLoS One 2016 Jun 30; 11(6): e0157824. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157824. PMID: 27362940; PMCID: PMC4928778
- Lee, M.K., M.H. Rich, A. Shkumatov, J.H. Jeong, M.D. Boppart, R. Bashir, M.U. Gillette, J. Lee, H. Kong.
Glacier moraine formation-mimicking colloidal particle assembly in microchanneled, bioactive hydrogel for guided
vascular network construction.
Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2015 Jan 28. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201400153. [Epub 2014 Jun 4.] PMID: 24898521
- Jain, A., M.U. Gillette.
Development of microfluidic devices for the manipulation of neuronal synapses.
In, 'Microfluidic and Compartmentalized Platforms for Neurobiological Research,' edited by E. Biffi.
Springer Protocols: Neuromethods 103 E. Biffi (ed.), New York: Springer Science + Business Media, Inc (2015); 127-137.
- Froeter, P., Y. Huang, O.V. Cangellaris, E.W. Dent, M.U. Gillette, J.C. Williams, X. Li.
Toward intelligent synthetic neural circuits: Directing and accelerating neuron cell growth by self-rolled-up
silicon nitride microtube array. ACS Nano 2014 Nov 25; 8 (11): 11108-11117. doi:10.1021/nn504876y [Epub 2104 Nov 3]
PMID: 25329686 [PubMed - in process] PMCID: PMC4246008 [Available on 2015-10-20]
- Gillette, M.U., T.A. Wang.
Brain oscillators and redox mechanisms in mammals.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (ARS) Forum Issue on 'Circadian clocks and redox signaling'
A. Reddy, Ed. 2014 Feb 10; 20(17): 2955-2965.
- Iyer, R., T.A. Wang, M.U. Gillette.
Circadian gating of neuronal functionality: a basis for iterative metaplasticity.
In, 'Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Plasticity and Memory,' edited by J. Gerstner, H.C. Heller, S. Aton.
Front. Syst. Neurosci. 2014 Sept 19; 8:164. 32 pgs. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00164. [Epub ahead of print]
- Mir, M., T. Kim, A. Majumder, M. Xiang, R. Wang, S.C. Liu, M.U. Gillette, S. Stice, and G. Popescu.
Label-free characterization of self-organizing human neuronal networks.
Sci. Rep. 2014; 4: 4434 (8 pg). PMCID: PMC3963031
- Southey, B.R., J.E. Lee, L. Zamdborg, N. Atkins, Jr., J,W. Mitchell, M. Li, M.U. Gillette,
N.L. Kelleher, J.V. Sweedler.
Comparing label-free quantitative peptidomics
approaches to characterize diurnal variation of peptides in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Anal. Chem. 2014; 86(1): 443-452. PMCID: PMC3886391
- Yang, N., S.J. Irving, E.V. Romanova, J.W. Mitchell, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler.
Neuropeptidomics: the characterization of neuropeptides and hormones in the nervous and neuroendocrine systems.
International Neuroendocrine Federation (INF) Masterclass Series: 'Molecular Neuroendocrinology' In Press.
- Abbott, S.M., J.M. Arnold, Q. Chang, H. Miao, N. Ota, C. Cecala, P.E. Gold, J.V. Sweedler, M.U. Gillette.
Signals from the brainstem sleep/wake centers regulate behavioral timing via the circadian clock.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 12; 8(8): e70481.
- Lee, J.E., L. Zamdborg, B.R. Southey, N. Atkins, Jr., J.W. Mitchell, M. Li, M.U. Gillette,
N.L. Kelleher, J.V. Sweedler.
Quantitative peptidomics for discovery of circadian-related peptides from the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
J. Proteome Research. 2013. 12, 585-593.
- Cecala, C., S.S. Rubakhin, J.W. Mitchell, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler.
A hyphenated optical trap capillary electrophoresis laser-induced native fluoresence system for single-cell chemical analysis.
Analyst. (2012 April 30) epub ahead of print.
- Gillette, M.U., S.M. Abbott, J.M. Arnold.
Biological Timekeeping, Sleep Medical Clinics, Biology of Sleep.
Guest Edited by T. Lee-Chiong. (2012 September) 7(3), 427-442.
- Govindaiah, G., T. Wang, M.U. Gillette, C.L. Cox.
Activity-dependent regulation of retinogeniculate signaling by metabotropic glutamate receptors. J. Neuroscience. 2012 Sep 12; 32(37): 12820-31.
- Millet, L.J.and M.U. Gillette.
New perspectives on neuronal development via microfluidic environments. Trends in Neuroscience. 2012 Dec; 35(12): 752-761.
- Millet, L.J.and M.U. Gillette.
Over a century of neuron culture: from the hanging drop to microfluidic devices. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2012 Dec; 85: 501-521.
- Murphy, D., A. Konopacka, C. Hindmarch, J.F.R. Paton, J.V. Sweedler, M.U. Gillette, U. Ueta, V. Grinevich, M. Lozic, N. Japundzic-Zigon. The hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal system: from genome to physiology. J. Neuroendocrinol. (2012 April) Vol. 24, 539-553.
- Wang, T.A., Y.V. Yu, G. Govindaiah, X. Ye, L. Artinian, T.P. Coleman, J.V. Sweedler, C.L. Cox, M.U. Gillette.
Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates excitability in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. Science. (2012 August 17) Vol. 337, 839-842.
Science Express link.
Also see Belle and Piggins commentary about Wang article.
Supplementary Materials
- Yin, P., A. Knolhoff, H.J. Rosenberg, L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler. Peptidomic analyses of mouse astrocytic celllines and rat primary cultures astrocytes. J. Proteome Research. 2012, 11, 3965-3973.
- Mitchell J., N. Atkins, Jr., J.V. Sweedler, M.U. Gillette. Direct cellular peptidomics of hypothalamic neurons. Front. in Neuroendocrinol. (epub 2011 Feb 18); (Oct. 2011); 32(4), 377-386. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2011.02.005.
- Shepherd, J.N. Hanson, S.T. Parker, R.F. Shepherd, M.U. Gillette, J.A. Lewis, R.G. Nuzzo. 3D microperiodic hydrogel scaffolds for robust neuronal cultures. Advanced Functional Materials (2011 Jan 7); 21(9):47-54.
- Wang, Z., L. Millet, V. Chan, H. Ding, M.U. Gillette, R. Bashir, G. Popescu. Label-free intracellular transport measured by spatial light interference microscopy. J. Biomed. Opt. (2011 Feb. 28); Vol. 16, 026019.
- Wang, Z., D. L. Marks, P. C. Carney, L. J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, A. Mihi, P. V. Braun, Z. Shen, S. G. Prasanth, G. Popescu. Spatial light interference tomography (SLIT). Optics Express (2011 Oct. 10); Vol. 19, #21; 19907-19918.
- Wang, Z., L. Millet, M. Mir, H. Ding, S. Unarunotai, J. Rogers, M.U. Gillette, G. Popescu. Spatial light interference microscopy (SLIM). Optics Express (2011 Jan 17); 19(2):1016-1026.
- Wang, R., Z. Wang, J. Leigh, N. Sobh, L. Millet, M.U. Gillette, A.J. Levine, G. Popescu. One-dimensional deterministic transport in neurons measured by dispersion-relation phase spectroscopy. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2011 Aug 23); 374107.
- Wang, R., Z. Wang, L. Millet, M.U. Gillette, A.J. Levine, G. Popescu. Dispersion-relation phase spectroscopy of intracellular transport. Optics Express (2011 Oct. 3); 19 (21):20571-20579.
- Atkins, N., Jr., J.W. Mitchell, E.V. Romanova, D.J. Morgan, T.P. Cominski, J.L. Ecker, J.E. Pintar, J.V. Sweedler,M.U. Gillette. Circadian integration of glutamergic signals by little SAAS in novel suprachiasmatic circuits. PLoS One (2010 Sep 7); 5(9): e12612.
- Ding, H., E. Berl, Z. Wang, L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, J. Liu, M. Boppart, G. Popescu. Fourier transform light scattering of biological structures and dynamics. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2010 July-August); 16(4): 909-918.
- Ding, H., L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, G. Popescu. Actin-driven cell dynamics probed by Fourier transform light scattering. Biomedical Optics Express (2010 July 22); Vol. 1, Issue 1, 260-267.
- Ding, H., Z. Wang, F. Nguyen, S.A. Boppart, L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, J. Liu, M. Boppart, G. Popescu. Fourier transform light scattering (FTLS) of cells and tissues. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (2010 Dec); 7: 1-11.
- Govindaiah, G., T. Wang, M.U. Gillette, S.R. Crandall, C.L. Cox. Regulation of inhibitory synapses by presynaptic D4 dopamine receptors. J. Neurophysiology (2010 Nov; Epub 2010 Sep 8); 104(5):2757-65
- Lee, J.E., N. Atkins, Jr., N.G. Hatcher, L. Zamdborg, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler, N.L. Kelleher. Endogenous peptide discovery of the rat circadian clock: a focused study of the suprachiasmatic nucleus by ultrahigh performance tandem mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics (2010 Feb; Epub 2009 Nov 10); 9(2):285-97.
- Millet, L.J., A. Bora, J.V. Sweedler, M.U. Gillette. Direct cellular peptidomics of supraoptic magnocellular and hippocampal neurons in low-density co-cultures. ACS Chem Neuroscience (2010 Jan 20); 1(1): 36-48.
- Millet, L.J., M.E. Stewart, R.G. Nuzzo, M.U. Gillette. Guiding neuron development with planar surface gradients of substrate cues deposited using microfluidic devices. Lab on a Chip (2010 Jun 21; Epub 2010 Apr 1); 10(12):1525-35.
- Wang, Z., I.S. Chun, X Li, Z.Y. Ong, E. Pop, L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, G. Popescu. Topography and refractometry of nanostructures using spatial light interference microscopy. Optics Letters (2010 Jan 15; doi: 10.1364/OL.35.000208); 35(2): 208-210.
- Beaulé C, J.W. Mitchell , P.T. Lindberg , R. Damadzic, L.E. Eiden, M.U. Gillette.Temporally restricted role of retinal PACAP: integration of the phase-advancing light signal to the SCN. J Biol Rhythms (2009 Apr); 24(2):126-34.
- Gillette, M.U., S.M. Abbott.Biological Timekeeping. Sleep Med. Clin. (2009 June 1); 4(2):99-110.
- Gillette, M.U., S-H Tyan.Circadian Gene Expression in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (2009) 2:901-908.
- Hanson, J.N., M.J. Motola, M.L. Heien, J.W. Mitchell, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler, R.G. Nuzzo. Textural guidance cues for controlling process outgrowth of mammalian neurons. Lab on a Chip (2009 Jan 7; Epub 2008 Oct 21);9(1):122-31.
- Bora, A., S. Annangudi, L. Millet, S Rubakhin, A. Forbes, N. Kelleher, M. Gillette, J. Sweedler. Neuropeptidomics of the rat supraoptic nucleus. Journal of Proteome Research. (2008 Nov; Epub 2008 Sep 25);7(11):4992-5003.
- Gillette, M.U. Biological Rhythms and Sleep in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. M.D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst (eds), Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg. (2008); DOI 10. 1007/978-3-540-29678-2_642.
- Hatcher, N.G., N. Atkins Jr., S.P. Annangudi, A.J. Forbes, N.L. Kelleher, M.U. Gillette, J.V. Sweedler. Mass spectrometry-based discovery of circadian peptides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2008 Aug 26; Epub 2008 Aug 21); 105(34):12527-12532.
- Wang Z., L.J. Millet, M.U. Gillette, G. Popescu. Jones phase microscopy of transparent and anisotropic samples. Opt. Lett. (2008 June 1); 33(1):1270-1272. (Selected for the August 1, 2008 issue of 'Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research', an edited compilation of links to articles covering a focused area of frontier research published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics.)
- Millet, L.J., M.E. Stewart, J.V. Sweedler, R.G. Nuzzo, M.U. Gillette. Microfluidic devices for culturing primary mammalian neurons at low densities. Lab on a Chip (2007 Aug); 7(8):987-994.
- Buchanan, G.F. and M.U. Gillette. New light on an old paradox: site-dependent effects of carbachol on circadian rhythms, Experimental Neurology (2005 June); 193:489-96.
- Gillette, M.U. and S.M. Abbott. Fundamentals of the circadian system in: Basics of Sleep Guide, M. Opp (ed.), Sleep Research Society (2005); 131-138.
- Gillette, M.U. and S.M. Abbott. Basic mechanisms of circadian rhythms and their relation to the sleep/wake cycle in: Neuroendocrine Correlates of Sleep/Wakefulness, S. R. Pandi-Perumal and D. P. Cardinali (eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. (2005); 19-40.
- Gillette, M.U. and T. Sejnowski. Biological clocks coordinately keep life on time, Science (2005 Aug 19); 309:1196-1198.
- Tischkau, S.A. and M.U. Gillette. Oligodeoxynucleotide methods for analyzing the circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, in: Methods in Enzymology: Circadian Rhythms, M.W. Young (ed.), Elsevier, Inc. (2005); 393:593-610.
- Burgoon, P.W., P.T. Lindberg, and M.U. Gillette. Different patterns of circadian oscillation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of hamster, mouse, and rat, J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol (2004 Feb; Epub 2004 Jan 9); 190:167-171.
- Gerdin, M.J., M.I. Masana, M.A. Rivera-Bermudez, R.L. Hudson, D.J. Earnest, M.U. Gillette, and M.L. Dubocovich. Melatonin desensitizes endogenous MT2 melatonin receptors in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus: Relevance for defining periods of sensitivity of the mammalian circadian clock to melatonin, FASEB Journal (2004 Nov); 18:1646-1656.
- Gillette, M.U. Does the SCN regulate more than sleep timing?, Sleep (2004 Nov 1); 27:1240-1241.
- Tischkau S.A., J.W. Mitchell, L.A. Pace, J.W. Barnes, J.A. Barnes, and M.U. Gillette. Protein kinase G type II is required for night-to-day progression of the mammalian circadian clock, Neuron (2004 Aug 19); 43:539-549.
- Turek, F.W. and M.U. Gillette. Melatonin, sleep, and circadian rhythms: Rationale for development of specific melatonin agonists, Sleep Medicine (2004 Nov); 5:523-532.
- Barnes, J.W., S.A. Tischkau, J.A. Barnes, J.W. Mitchell, P.W. Burgoon, J. Hickok, and M.U. Gillette. Requirement of mammalian Timeless for circadian rhythmicity, Science (2003 Oct 17); 302:439-442. [supplement]
- Tischkau, S.A., J.W. Mitchell, S.H. Tyan, G.F. Buchanan, and M.U. Gillette. Ca2+ / cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-dependent activation of Per1 is required for light-induced signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus circadian clock, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2003 Jan 10; Epub 2002 Oct 29); 278:718-723.
- Tischkau, S.A., E.T. Weber, S.M. Abbott, J.W. Mitchell, and M.U. Gillette. Circadian clock-controlled regulation of cGMP-Protein kinase G in the nocturnal domain, Journal of Neuroscience (2003 Aug 20); 20:7543-7550.
- Gillette, M.U. and J.W. Mitchell. Signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus: selectively responsive and integrative, Cell and Tissue Research (2002 July); 309:99-107.
- Hurst, W.J., D. Earnest, and M.U. Gillette. Immortalized suprachiasmatic nucleus cells express components of multiple circadian regulatory pathways, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2002 Oct 18); 292:20-30.
- Hurst, W.J., J.W. Mitchell, and M.U. Gillette. Synchronization and phase-resetting by glutamate of an immortalized SCN cell line, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2002 Mar 22); 298:133-143.
- Artinian, L.R, Ding, J.M., and Gillette, M.U. Carbon monoxide and nitric oxide: Interacting messengers in muscarinic signaling to the brain's circadian clock, Experimental Neurology (2001 Oct); 171:293-300.
- Gillette, M.U., G.F. Buchanan, L. Artinian, S.E. Hamilton, N.M. Nathanson, and C. Liu. Role of the M1 receptor in regulating circadian rhythms, Life Sciences (2001 April 27); 68:2467-2472.
- Hunt, A.E., W.M. Al-Ghoul, M.U. Gillette, and M.L. Dubocovich. Activation of MT2 melatonin receptors in rat suprachiasmatic nucleus phase advances the circadian clock, Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2001 Jan); 280:C110-C118.
- Gillette, M.U. Cellular regulators of circadian timing in: The Regulation of Sleep, A.A. Borbely, O. Hayaishi, T. Sejnowski, J. Altman (eds.), Human Frontier Science Program 10th Anniversary Workshop (VIII), (2000 April); 203-212.
- Tischkau, S.A., E.A. Gallman, G.F. Buchanan, and M.U. Gillette. Differential cAMP gating of glutamatergic signaling regulates long-term state changes in the suprachiasmatic circadian clock, Journal of Neuroscience (2000 Oct 15); 20:7830-7837.
- Chen, D., G.F. Buchanan, J.M. Ding, J. Hannibal, and M.U. Gillette. Pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide: a pivotal modulator of glutamatergic regulation of the suprachiasmatic circadian clock, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1999 Nov 9); 96:13468-13473.
- Gillette, M.U., T. Roth, and J.P. Kiley. NIH funding of sleep research: a prospective and retrospective view, Sleep (1999 Nov 1); 22:956-958.
- Gillette, M.U. and S.A. Tischkau. Suprachiasmatic nucleus: the brain’s circadian clock in: Recent Progress in Hormone Research (1999); 54:33-59.
- Hurst, W.J., L.L. Moroz, M.U. Gillette, and R. Gillette. Nitric oxide synthase immunolabeling in the molluscan CNS and peripheral tissues, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (1999 Aug 27); 262:545-548.
- Tischkau, S.A., J.A. Barnes, F.-J. Lin, E. M. Myers, J.W. Barnes, E.L. Meyer-Bernstein, W.J. Hurst, P.W. Burgoon, D. Chen, A. Sehgal, and M.U. Gillette. Oscillation and light induction of timeless mRNA in the mammalian circadian clock, Journal of Neuroscience (1999 June 15); 19:RC15, 1-6.
- Ding, J.M., G.F. Buchanan, S.A. Tischkau, D. Chen, L. Kuriaskina, L.E. Faiman, J.M. Alster, P.S. McPherson, K.P. Campbell, and M.U. Gillette. A neuronal ryanodine receptor mediates light-induced phase delays of the circadian clock, Nature (1998 July 23); 394:381-384.
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- Hannibal, J., J.M. Ding, D. Chen, J. Fahrenkrug, P.J. Larsen, M.U. Gillette, and J.D. Mikkelsen. Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) in the retinohypothalamic tract: a daytime regulator of the biological clock, Annals New York Academy of Sciences (1998 Dec 11); 865:197-206.
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