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Student Association
Graduate Students
Recent Graduates
Fear Film Festival
Insect Expo
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Graduate Students...


Marianne Alleyne. I am originally from the Netherlands. I received by B.A. in integrative biology from the University of California-Berkeley (Go Bears!) and my M.S. from U.C.-Riverside (Go Highlanders!…don’t ask). I am now well on my way to receiving my Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, and I am starting to become an Illini-fan (but the mascot is taboo). I work with Rob Wiedenmann at the Illinois Natural History Survey. The main focus of my research is on the physiological factors determining the suitability of pyralid stemborers for endoparasitoid development. I consider myself an insect physiologist studying the insect immune response, but my research is even more interesting since it also has an applied side. My hope is that basic biological studies can make better predictions about the success of a biological control strategy, making it more likely to fit into an integrative pest management program. My hobbies include traveling, swimming, NCAA basketball, and hanging out with Omar. [back to top]


Yehuda Ben-Shahar. I am a third year graduate student in the department. I graduated with a B.S. from Tel-Aviv University in life sciences in 1995. I then had one semester of graduate school at Tel-Aviv University when I was accepted at the University of Illinois. I just defended my Master’s and expect to graduate in May 1999. My project was mostly about differences in learning between nurses and foragers in the honey bee society. Currently I am working on a Ph.D. project, with Gene Robinson and Marla Sokolowski (York University, Toronto, Ontario) as shared advisors. My current interests are the molecular basis of behavior. My project, although still in development, will include the study of cGMP-dependent protein kinases in regulation and plasticity of behavioral thresholds in the fruitfly (Drosophila) and the honey bee. I am sharing time between our small-town Champaign and the "little bigger" town Toronto. I like to scuba-dive (not much of that in the Midwest), cook spicy Mediterranean food, and then burn all those calories by working out.  [back to top]


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Mark Carroll. I am originally from Florida, where I received a B.A. in natural sciences from New College, University of South Florida. My undergraduate thesis work on ichthyotoxic compounds in red mangrove leaves introduced me to chemical ecology. These interests in chemical ecology brought me to UIUC to work with May Berenbaum and Art Zangerl, who have indulged my varied pursuits in host plant-insect interactions. In 1997, I completed my M.S. on the parsnip esters octyl acetate and octyl butyrate, volatile fatty acid deri-vatives that are olfactory cues for the parsnip webworm. My Ph.D. research focuses on the impact of carotenoids on interactions between plants containing phototoxic secondary compounds and their insect herbi-vores, using wild parsnip, phototoxic furanocoumarins, and the parsnip webworm as a model system. Parsnip webworms selectively sequester the carotenoid lutein from their diet, a ubiquitous compound that is critical to plant antioxidant functions in photosynthesis. Web-worms fed lutein show a greater tolerance of photoacti-vating UVA light than webworms deprived of dietary carotenoids. Webworms consuming lutein also have significantly higher metabolic rates of the furanocoumarin xanthotoxin than those that do not consume carotenoids. Whether this is due to direct antioxidant effects or induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes is not yet clear. Later this summer, I intend to survey other host plant-herbivore systems to see if these sequestration patterns and metabolic effects occur in other lepidop-terans consuming phototoxic plants. From the sparse literature on adults, my prediction is that carotenoids are widely sequestered as antioxidant compounds by larvae that encounter dietary phototoxins. Maybe some day, too, Ellen Green and I will be able to tell you why lepidopteran testes are often colored so brightly red, yellow, or orange (hint: it’s probably not aposematism).

In my personal life, I am happily pursuing a second childhood with my daughter Alyssa (age 2), who quickly points out all "bugs" and "indsets" if she doesn’t feed them first to Smaug, our Nile monitor. When I’m not actively wearing the Daddy or graduate student hat, I move around town by land (running), sea (swimming), or on my motorcycle (no exercise benefit whatsoever, but quite enjoyable).


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Sean A. Collins. I am originally from the Bronx and have been interested in the natural world since a very young child. Presently a doctoral candidate, I am interested in aspects of the behavior, ecology, and genetics of aculeate hymenopterans in the Sphecoidea and the Vespidae. Two projects I am currently working on involve determining the factors involved in nest site selection in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes metricus and whether there is extensive hybridization between P. metricus and members of the P.fuscatus species complex. My interest in these insects extends way back into my childhood and the many hours I have spent and continue to spend observing them in the field have proven to be fun and extremely rewarding.  [back to top]


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Lesley Deem. I returned to UIUC in August 1998 to complete my Ph.D. with Dr. Robert Metcalf on corn rootworm beetles. In addition to working on my degree, I enjoy gardening and Thursday evenings at Stitch & Bitch.  [back to top]


Kay Edly. I am a third-year Master’s student working with Steve Kohler in the Department of Ecology, Ethology & Evolution. For my thesis I am looking at predation and habitat selection in the stonefly nymph Paragnetina sp. I received my B.S. in natural resources at the University of Michigan. My main focus is aquatic ecology. In my spare time, I host the Celtic Music Show on the local community radio station, 90.1 FM, WEFT.


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Jodie Ellis. I am a first year grad student (Larry Hanks, advisor). I am the only female in the Hanks’ lab; the oldest (chronologically!) grad student in Entomology, and the only entomology grad student at UIUC willing to work in chicken houses with obscure beetles. I received my B.S. in entomology here in 1998, and liked it so much I decided to stay on. I am trying to see if the presence of native flowering plants near bagworm-infested arborvitae shrubs increases parasitism rates of said bagworms by hymenopteran parasitoids. This is an attractive project for many reasons, especially the fresh air (quite lacking in chicken houses).

My daughter Ashley is a sophomore at UIUC (and has become the Hanks’ lab unofficial mascot). Steven, my incredibly tolerant spouse, is a systems analyst in Champaign.  [back to top]


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Sarah Farris. I am a Ph.D. student working in the laboratories of Susan Fahrbach and Gene Robinson, where I study the postembryonic development of the honey bee brain. In my research I have used molecular markers and a wide variety of histological techniques to study neurogenesis and neuronal outgrowth. Most of my work has focused on a particular region of the brain, the mushroom bodies. These structures extremely complex structures are thought to be involved in learning and memory. I have shown that the approximately 170,000 neurons needed to make up the mushroom bodies are generated during larval and pupal development in just 10 days. Outgrowth of these neurons continues several weeks into adulthood, resulting in a mushroom body neuropil volume increase of up to 50% that has been documented by other researchers in our group.

I graduated with a B.S. in biology in 1993 at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, and completed my M.S. in entomology at the University of Illinois in 1996. I am finishing my Ph.D. in entomology and expect to graduate in December 1999. I plan to begin postdoctoral research in early 2000 at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where I will continue to study the development of the insect brain.


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Colin Favret. Before I even knew what was happening, I suddenly became one of the old-timer graduate students in the department. It just took me a while to find my true interest; the glory of systematics is one of those rare, objective, universal truths, but it took Ellis MacLeod to make me cognizant of it. I am working on two rather distinct projects, their only similarities being that they involve aphids (Aphidae, to those in the know) and are under the supervision of David Voegtlin of the Natural History Survey.

For my M.S. I am comparing the diversity of aphid faunae in agricultural and immediately adjacent natural habitats. I have a gagillion aphids suction-trapped over the past 5 years with which I hope to address aphido-logical questions concerning habitat selection, phenology, and diversity.

My Ph.D. work is a systematic study of a group of aphids of the genus Cinara that live on pinyon pines. The goals of this project include a revision with morphometric species diagnosis and molecular phylogeny, and addressing of several evolutionary questions. For instance, is it valid to treat Cinara groups based on their host-plant affiliations (as I am doing), or are monophyletic groups really based on the locations on what-ever coniferous host the aphid feeds (branches, buds, etc.)? Then there are issues of island biogeography, incipient speciation, and more.

The beauty of this project is that it allows me to pursue one of my great passions: travel. For the past two summers (and one to come) I have been tooling around the Southwest in my pickup in search of pinyon pines and the Cinara that inhabit them. (Unfortunately) I have many other interests besides entomology and systematics, including international travel, opera, mountain climbing, skiing, moral and political philosophy, soccer, movies, and of course all the non-fiction pertaining to above said interests.  [back to top]


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Matthew Ginzel. I am a student in Larry Hanks’ lab. I am interested in the chemical ecology of long-horned beetle mating systems and am finishing a Master’s degree. I look forward to staying at the UIUC for a Ph.D. I also enjoy teaching and has been privileged to TA a variety of undergraduate courses. During my free time, my wife Christine and I enjoy camping, hiking, and playing a variety of sports.


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Ellen Green. I am a doctoral candidate in May Berenbaum’s lab. I am originally from Northbrook, IL, a suburb of Chicago. I received my M.S. in entomology in 1995 from UIUC; my thesis examined the function of silk-spinning behavior in the parsnip webworm, Depressaria pastinacella (Oecophoridae). My doctoral work focuses on the effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals on cytochrome P450 monooxygenase function in generalist and specialist lepidopteran herbivores. Cytochrome P450s are an inducible suite of heme-based enzymes which detoxify host plant allelochemicals. Lately, I have been interested in phytic acid, a potent iron chelator found in legumes, cereals and oil seeds. I have found that phytic acid appears to inhibit P450 induction in the parsnip webworm by 60%. I recently was the recipient of the Entomology Society of America North Central Branch Graduate Student Scholarship and the School of Life Science’s Robert Emerson Memorial Grant. I hope to graduate and find a job very soon.

My latest passion has been growing orchids and stag-horn ferns. I also enjoy cooking for her friends, making web pages, quilting, going to the gym, and spending time with Igor, my husband of 5 years.  [back to top]


Terry Harrison. I worked for several years as a technician in the lab of May Berenbaum. During that time, I was involved in characterizing genes that code for cytochrome P450 enzymes in larvae of the black swallowtail butterfly. This work was done within the context of evaluating patterns of evolution in phytophagous insects and their foodplants. My own research as a grad student concentrates on employing modern techniques and analytical methods in systematic studies of several poorly known groups of the so-called "micro moths." In particular, I am conducting a species-level study of Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix (Oecophoridae); I am co-authoring the Moths of America North of Mexico fascicle on the gelechioid family Momphidae; and I am planning a world generic revision of the family Plutellidae.


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Martin Hauser. I am a Diploma Biologist from the sunny south of Germany, where I finished my degree in 1995 at the Technical University Darmstadt (near Frankfurt). My thesis dealt with the biology of bees and wasps on the inner relict sand dunes in southwest Germany. After that, I worked for 2 (much too short) years in the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart as a trainee in the Diptera collection. During that time, I traveled frequently to places like Morocco, Tunesia, Azerbaidjan, Nepal, and Thailand. During one of these field trips I met Prof. Mike Irwin in the desert in Israel. Through this contact, the idea to obtain my Ph.D. in Urbana came up. After a lot of paperwork, I finally started my work in August 1998 on the systematics of Therevidae. My work in Irwin’s group allows me to combine my two major passions: flies and traveling. And even though I had no idea where Urbana was located, I soon started to enjoy living in this flat part of the world.


Jeff Heilveil. I am a Master’s student, working with Steve Kohler at the Natural History Survey. My thesis deals with the ecology of a microsporidian parasite and its trichopteran host. I did my undergraduate work at the University of Michigan in the School of Natural Resources.


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Kevin Holston. My undergraduate experiences took place, for the most part, before a backdrop of oak woodlands dappled with sunshine, deep in the hill country of Texas. I eventually made my way to the flat, soybean- and corn-riddled lands I now call home, where the cold winter wind often brings a tear to my eye. Ushered into the world of entomology by Phil DeVries, C. Riley Nelson, and Larry Gilbert, I ended up majoring in biology at the University of Texas at Austin, specializing in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology.

My interest in systematics began with an undergraduate project on robber flies and quickly grew into a major directional force in later decision-making. After graduating in 1995, I went to Ecuador for a few months and then to Washington, D.C. I stayed in D.C. for about 6 months as an intern at the Smithsonian Institute working on the systematics of Efferia, the genus of robber flies whose diversity and ecology first drew me into entomology. I have been here for 3 years now as a student in Mike Irwin’s lab working on therevid systematics (yet another family of asiloid flies), and I still feel like I’m getting used to these new surroundings. With each year, I trade in a bit more of my naivete—for what? We will soon see.

Now that I have finished all the coursework, preliminary exams, and my Masters thesis, I can officially commit myself. I could (alternatively) concentrate on my dissertation, which will involve revisionary work on the genus Thereva. My primary distractions will include writing songs I do not usually perform, babbling to folks in French in the local cafés, going to catch a glimpse of the elusive snipe, and losing my train of thought in the realm of theoretical ecology. If I’m not in the lab, you should be able to find me slowly making my way toward a more tropical climate. [back to top]


Emerson Lacey. I have been with the Department of Entomology at the UIUC for about a year. I received my B.S. degree in biology from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1996. A fascination with the out-of-doors and with the creatures that live there led me to entomology.

I am currently a TA in biology courses and am taking courses towards the completion of a Master’s degree. I plan on beginning a systematic study as my thesis project before this summer.


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Weimin Li. I am from China and worked on biochemical mechanisms of insect pesticide resistance for 4 years and received my M.S. in China. I came to UIUC to continue my education in 1997. I am currently working in May Berenbaum’s lab and am studying the interaction of insect herbivores and plants. My research focuses on the investigation of cytochrome P450s (detoxification enzymes) involved in the metabolism of swallowtail butterflies to furanocoumarins, potent plant defense compounds.
Katy Lustofin. I am from upstate New York and received a B.S. in general biology from SUNY-Buffalo. I then fled to sunnier, warmer Davis, California, where I earned my master’s degree in entomology. My scientific interests lie in the field of chemical ecology, particularly plant-insect interactions. This is my first year in Urbana-Champaign.  [back to top]


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Duane McKenna. I have now survived two semesters of courses. I completed my undergraduate degree in general biology and chem-istry at Western Michigan University a year ago. While an undergraduate I studied tropical forest arthropods, and monarch butterfly host plants in the genus Asclepias. Before coming here I worked with the Nature Conservancy in Michigan (I continue to do floristics to a limited extent), and instructed at Western Michigan University. Currently in pursuit of a Master’s degree, I am researching coevolution using comparative phylo-enetics. I am constructing phylogenies for the native North American Depressaria (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) and their host plants in the family Apiaceae. Other research interests are more broad and include species concept, biodiversity assessment and management, and conservation biology. In addition, I am involved part-time with the Soybean Insect Research Information Center (SIRIC). I am a teaching assistant/prep TA (in my third semester) for Plant Biology in PLBIO 100.


Mark Metz. I received a B.S. in kinesiology from UCLA and began a lucrative career as a personal trainer. The life of health and entertainment couldn’t hold my attention long enough so I decided to become a natural scientist by completing an M.S. in biology at California State University, Northridge, studying mimetic patterns in Syrphidae (Diptera). Anxious to get out of the LA area, I traveled to Washington, D.C. where I fulfilled two contracts cataloging Syrphidae in the U.S.N.M. I was asked to come to Illinois to study the systematics of Therevidae (Diptera), which is where I currently reside. I have completed all of my course work and preliminary exams so "merely" have to finish a "short" dissertation on the revision of Brachylinga, a new world genus of Therevidae. After earning my Ph.D., I plan to continue my career as a natural scientist using systematics and other methodological tools to answer evolutionary questions.

When not studying or doing research, I enjoy travel and seeing new places. Escaping to the outdoors is always a passion for me, but I finds there is a certain satisfaction in escaping into a good book, too.


Robert Moore. I am a second year Master’s student working in the lab of Larry Hanks. I study the dispersal behavior of the evergreen bagworm larvae (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis). I received my B.A. from Augustana College in Rock Island, IL.   [back to top]


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Harland Patch. I received a B.S. in 1995 and an M.S. in 1998 from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. My Master’s thesis focused on the evolutionary relationship between oviposition behavior of the eastern black swallowtail butterfly and host plant chemistry.

At the University of Illinois I am continuing work on lepidopteran olfaction for my doctoral dissertation. Working with Hugh Robertson, I am exploring the molecular mechanisms associated with lepidopteran oviposition stimulants. Particularly the research project focuses on the odorant binding proteins associated with insect host choice.


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Rebecca Petersen. I am from the Republic of Panama. This Zonian moved to the Midwest to study biology at the University of Notre Dame, where my research on the population genetics of Aedes spp. mosquitoes earned the Outstanding Undergraduate Biological Scientist Award. During the summers in Panama, when I wasn’t in dense rain forests or on sunny beaches, I worked on the phylogenetics of bryozoans, lucinid clams, strombinid snails, and fig wasps at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Since joining May Berenbaum’s lab in 1996, I have been investigating cytochrome P450- mediated metabolism of furanocoumarins, allelochemicals of umbelliferous plants, in the mid-gut, fat body, and integument of the black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes.

As an Environmental Toxicology Scholar, I will further my study of P450 detoxification by investigating cross-resistance to synthetic toxins such as pyrethroid insecticides. When not occupied with science, I love to read fiction and non-fiction, cook, and bake; lately I’ve been pricked by the cross-stitch needle.


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Christopher Pierce. Hi! I grew up in Belleville, Illinois. My area of study is IPM in horticulture and field crops. I received my Associate of Applied Science at Belleville Area College, where I majored in horticulture. When I started, I intended to major in engineering; however, I realized that is not where my heart was.

I then attended Southern Illinois University of Carbondale in spring 1993. I took an active part in student organizations at the College of Agriculture, including being a member of Alpha Gamma Rho. I had the opportunity to intern and then work for Alvey Laboratories where I developed my IPM and research skills. Two of my favorite things happened when I attended SIU-C, I took Dr. John McPherson’s Zoology 316, in which I fell in love with entomology, and secondly (or first, depending upon who you talk to) I fell in love with Kelly, my future wife. In May 1995, I received my B.S. degree from the Department of Plant & Soil Science, majoring in Plant & Soil and Environmental Studies.

After graduation, I took a year off and worked for Alvey to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. During this time I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Darrin Eastburn, Dr. Cathy Eastman, and my future advisor, Dr. Richard Weinzierl, on the horseradish IPM program. In case you didn’t know, Collinsville, Illinois, is world renown for its production of horseradish. After working with them, I soon realized what I wanted to do.

In spring 1996, I enrolled in the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies to pursue my Masters degree in IPM. My thesis was the study of the interaction between Nosema pyrausta and Bacillus thuringiensis in the European corn borer. I also worked on resistance monitoring of the European corn borer in Bt corn throughout Illinois. After taking many plant pathology, weed science, and entomology courses, I realized I wanted to specialize in entomology.

In spring 1999, I finished my Masters and enrolled in the Department of Entomology to pursue my Ph.D. My advisor is Dr. Michael Gray and we are studying biology and physiology of the new strain of Western corn rootworm and how soybean varieties will affect its oviposition and dispersal. Well, I am off to solve the world’s problems. Take care and in the words of Garrison Keillor, "Be good, do good work, and see you soon!" [back to top]


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Karlene Ramsdell. By birth and temperament, I am a native of the "finest city in the U.S., Chicago." My interest in rocks and animals began as a child. Mom received many gifts of shiny pebbles found in cinder alleys. She reciprocated by sewing aerial nets and buying a complete set of Golden Guides. These were used by her children when they studied nature in vacant lots, which we called prairies, and during innumerable camping trips in the Midwestern wilds. I knew the carefree single life was over when I came downstairs for a first date to find that Steve had viewed my mineral collection and managed to engage my father in conversation. His opening remark was, "I know where we can find some pyrite." We both became interested in paleontology and began collecting Mazon Creek fossils. Because of our collecting zeal, thousands of fossils are now housed at the Royal Ontario Museum, Field Museum of Natural History, and Northeastern Illinois University. Several fossil species have been named for us, including the thysanuran Ramdelepidion schusteri Kukalova-Peck.

During the financial lows of the 1980s, I decided to give up a lucrative pencil-pushing career, bite the bullet (relearn algebra), and return to school (Northeastern Illinois University) to become a biologist. Senior thesis research was a soil toxicity study of a burrowing amphipod conducted on the Olympic Peninsula (life is tough). Because swimming in salt water makes me nauseous, I decided to do graduate work on terrestrial arthropods at UIUC. Shortly after arrival, my research fate was sealed. Ellis MacLeod is entirely responsible for implanting the notion that Parasitica contains the most fascinating animals of all. My M.S. research was on host selection and sex ratio manipulation by a parasitoid wasp used for the biological control of house and stable flies. My current research, under the able direction of Stewart Berlocher, focuses on possible speciation and host race formation by a parasitoid wasp that uses flies in the Rhagoletis pomonella species complex as hosts. Additionally, I am involved in molecular studies of insect olfaction with Jim Nardi and Hugh Robertson.

Although my love of Parasitica is nearly all-consuming, outside interests include the use of native plants and landscape structure to attract wildlife (especially tiny wasps) to urban and suburban areas, organic vegetable gardening, collecting bootjacks, and reading mysteries.


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Susan T. Ratcliffe. A Champaign native, I am married and have three children (Mary, 16; Carolyn, 12; and Robert, 11). I received an A.B. in political science with a minor in business (1993) and an M.S. in entomology (1995) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am working on my Ph.D. in Entomology and hope to finish in 1999. In addition to my studies, I hold an appointment in the Department of Crop Sciences as an extension entomologist. Research interests include forensic entomology, biological control, and IPM. I have supported community outreach with my involvement with Insect Expo.


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Peter Reagel. I received a B.S. in biology from UIUC in 1996. I am now working with Larry Hanks. For my Masters I have been looking at aggregation and mate location in the red milkweed beetle. Along with watching insects, I enjoy reading mythology, and walking.

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Hilary Reno. Originally from Virginia, I am a fifth-year graduate student and also in the Medical Scholars Program (a combined degree program) working on my M.D. and Ph.D. I received my B.S. in biology with university and departmental honors from Northern Illinois University. My broad interests include the evolution and ecology of disease. I completed my Master’s thesis, "Differentiation of Aedes triseriatus and Aedes hendersoni by an RFLP-PCR assay," last year (1998) while also completing my first year of medical school...whew!

I am thrilled to be working hard on completing my Ph.D. research in medical entomology presently entitled, "A molecular, ecological, and biochemical comparison of Aedes triseriatus, the mosquito vector of LaCrosse virus, and its sibling species, Aedes hendersoni." A. triseriatuis and A. hendersoni serve as a model with which to study the evolution of the host-virus relationship and the evolution of sibling species. My thesis focuses on identifying commonalities and differences between these two mosquito species in regards to their rDNA sequences, ecological behavior, and a salivary gland enzyme. I hope my thesis serves as a starting point for many more projects on these two fascinating tree-hole mosquitoes and for more excuses to tromp through the woods.

I hope to finish my Ph.D. in another year and then complete my M.D. in 2002. I expect to complete a residency in internal medicine or pediatrics and practice in clinical infectious disease. One day I hope to integrate an active practice with clinical research in arbovire uses and their vectors. In my spare time I enjoy starting quilting projects and reading. [back to top]


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David Schulz. I am celebrating my fourth glorious year as a graduate student in the department this year. I received a B.S. from UIUC in May 1995, and an M.S. from the department in August 1997. I joined the Gene Robinson lab as an undergraduate in 1994 where I discovered an interest in insects, science, and the glamorous scene of academia. As a member of the Robinson lab, bees are the name of the game. My research interests span from behavioral ecology and social regulation of colony task groups to the neurochemical regulation of division of labor, the subject of my Ph.D. work. Recently I presented some of this work at the International Union for the Study of Social Insects meeting in Adelaide, Australia, where I discovered that I am a citizen of entirely the wrong country. But when condemned to the Midwest, I enjoy the idea of bike riding amongst the corn and soy and playing basketball, but rarely engage in such strenuous activities.


Michael Slamecka. I received my B.S. degree from UIUC in Ecology, Ethology & Evolution. From this I learned that I could make a living doing what I enjoyed, bug collecting. I am currently finishing my Master’s degree. My thesis work is on mosquitoes and how to predict emergence in the summer of Culex pipiens. In conjunction with this I have headed the local mosquito control program the last 2 years. My interests include collecting aquatic organisms and reading natural history and science fiction books.


JoeSullivan.jpg (16379 bytes) Joseph Sullivan. I defended and deposited my Master’s thesis this summer and fall. Preliminary experiments for my doctorate work were completed this fall. The results suggest further examination of the role of juvenile hormone in the development of orientation and navigation is promising. I am hopeful and excited to begin this research this summer. Currently, I am taking the preliminary exams. If anyone wants to relive this experience, Dot can slip you an extra copy of the questions. Of course, you remember everything you learned in the core courses! [back to top]


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Integrative Biology University of Illinois

Updated 12/09/99