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UIUC Entomologists in the
May Berenbaum
- Bottom Line
Health, 1/99: "Did you know that...dark honey is more healthful than light
- Wenatchee World Accent, 11/19/98: "Movie star bugs...
Stretching the truth"
- Newark Star-Ledger, 8/26/98: "Listen to the music of a
summer night"
- Science, 7/17/98: "Building a better bug
- The Guardian, 7/9/98: "Science and technology: Honey I
shrunk the radicals"
- Apicultural Info and Issues, 10/97: "Marketing honey as
a value-added product"
- International Herald Tribune, 4/24/97: "You and your
ID: Searching for roots of the self"
- New York Times, July 22, 1997: "Six legs good"
science profile
- New York Times, July 28, 1998: "A taste for flowers
helped beetles conquer the world"
Fred Delcomyn
- Wisconsin Public Radio, 2/15/98: "To the best of our
- Scientific American, 1/98: "A Japanese robotic
Larry Hanks
- Chicago Tonight, WTTW-TV (PBS-Chicago), 7/20/98: Discussion
of the infestation of Asian long-horn beetles in city trees
- Chicago Sun Times, 7/20/98: "Attack of the foreign
- WBEZ radio (NPR) 7/21/98: "Asian longhorned beetle
- Chicago Tribune, 8/9/98: "Science seeks weaknesses in
beetles armor"
- Aaaron Freeman show, WPWR-UPN-50 (Chicago), 8/10/98: Asian
longhorned beetle situation in Chicago
- Chicago Sun Times, 8/14/98: "Making mating ______
Robert Metcalf
- New York Times Science, 10/20/98: "With change in
habit, beetles shake up corn country"
Hugh Robertson
- The Scientist, 10/13/97: "Scientists refining methods
for genetically altering insects"
Gene Robinson
- Apicultural Info and Issues, 10/97: "The changing face
of the beekeeping short course"
- The Times, 9/15/97: "Hiving off the dead bodies"
Gil Waldbauer
- U of Ideas in Science, 8/98: "Bug experts latest
books feature simple language, vivid photos"
- Los Angeles Times, 9/3/98: "Science File: An
exploration of issues and trends affecting science, medicine and the environment"
James Appleby
- Chicago Tribune, 7/26/98: "Collectors targeted in bug
Eli Levine, Joseph Spencer, Robert
Novak, & Kevin Steffey
- New York Times Science, 10/20/98: "With change in
habit, beetles shake up corn country"
Robert Novak
- ABC News "20-20", 7/24/98: segment filmed on UIUC
campus involving over-the-counter insect repellents and their effectiveness
Rob Wiedenmann & Dave Voegtlin
- Associated Press, 9/1/98: "Scientists use beetles to
battle weeds in wetland areas"
Rob Wiedenmann & Joseph Maddox
- Associated Press, 4/18/97: "Farm scene: Professors
putting insect info on CD-ROM"
Updated 12/09/99