Recent Publications
View the Complete Publications PDF, earlier Publication Lists (1955 - 1993), and PhD Thesis
Publications of Govindjee and colleagues from 1994 to current
Govindjee G, Björn LO and Blankenship RE (2024)
On “P750s” in cyanobacteria: A historical perspective.
Photosynthetica 62 (4): 406-408.
also see the graphical abstract.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.042.
Letter to the Editor;
History & Biography
Govindjee G (2024)
On the discovery of the two-light effect on chlorophyll a fluorescence: Quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence of Photosystem II by Photosystem I light.
Photosynthetica 62 (3): 302-304.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.035.
Letter to the Editor;
Photosynthetica 62 (4): 406-408.
also see the graphical abstract.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.042.
Letter to the Editor;
History & Biography
Govindjee G (2024)
On the discovery of the two-light effect on chlorophyll a fluorescence: Quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence of Photosystem II by Photosystem I light.
Photosynthetica 62 (3): 302-304.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.035.
Letter to the Editor;
History & Biography
Govindjee G, Canaani O, Cellarius RA, Diner B, Greenbaum E, Hou HJM, Kiang NY, Lindsey JS, Mauzerall DL, Mauzerall ME, Seibert M and Stirbet A (2024)
Contributions of David Mauzerall to photosynthesis research – celebrating his 95th birthday.
Photosynthetica 62 (3): 271-288.
also see a draft of its graphical abstract.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.029.
History and Biography
Vinyard D and Govindjee G (2024)
Bicarbonate is a key regulator but not a substrate for O2 evolution in Photosystem II
Photosynthesis Research (22 July 2024; 7 pages).
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-024-01111-8.
Original Research
Badshah SL, Stirbet A, Siddiquee M, Govindjee G, Kang D-W, Bridgeman T and Seo Y (2024)
Inhibition of CO2 fixation as a potential target for the control of freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms.
ACS Environ. Sci. Technol. Water 4 (8): 3309-3319.
available online:
DOI 10.1021/acsestwater.4c00191.
Original Research
Govindjee G, Amesz B, Garab G and Stirbet A (2024)
Remembering Jan Amesz (1934-2001): A great gentleman, a major discoverer, and an internationally renowned biophysicist of both oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis Research (18 pages with 10 figures) in the press.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-024-01102-9.
History and Biography
Stirbet A, Guo Y, Lazár D and Govindjee G (2024)
From leaf to multiscale models of photosynthesis: applications and challenges for crop improvement
Photosynthesis Research 161: 21-49.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-024-01083-9.
Review Article
Govindjee G, Sharkey TD and Melis A (2024)
Honoring Hartmut Karl Lichtenthaler, innovative pioneer of photosynthesis, on his 90th birthday
Photosynthetica, 62 (SI) (13 pages) in the press.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.017.
History and Biography
Govindjee G, Stirbet A, Lindsey JS and Scheer H (2024)
On the Pelletier and Caventou (1817, 1888) papers on chlorophyll and beyond.
Photosynthesis Research (6 pages) in the press.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-024-01081-x; plus the
Supplementary Material.
History and Biography
Ye ZP, An T, Govindjee G, Robakowski P, Stirbet A, Yang X-L, Hao X-Y, Kang HJ and Wang F-B (2024)
Addressing the long-standing limitations of double exponential and non- rectangular hyperbolic models in quantifying light-response of electron transport rates in different photosynthetic organisms under various conditions.
Frontiers in Plant Science (16 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.3389/fpls.2024.1332875
Original Research
Anwar K, Joshi R, Bahugna RN, Govindjee G, Sasidharan R, Singla-Pareek SL and Pareek A (2024)
Impact of individual, combined and sequential stress on photosynthesis machinery in rice (Oryza sativa L).
Physiologia Plantarum, 176 (1), e14209 (16 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1111/ppl.14209
Original Research
Govindjee G (2024)
Contributions by Christa Critchley to photosynthesis research and to plant ecophysiology.
Photosynthetica, 62 (1): 40-43.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.011
History and Biography
Govindjee G (2024)
George Edward Hoch (1931-2023): a great photosynthesis scholar, a real family man, and a wonderful friend to many
Photosynthetica, 62 (1): 1-5.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2024.001
History and Biography
Biswal AK, Pattanayak GK, Ruhil K, Kandoi D, Mohanty SS, Leelavati S, Reddy VS, Govindjee G and Tripathy BC (2023)
Reduced expression of chlorophyllide a oxygenase (CAO) decreases the metabolic flux for chlorophyll synthesis and downregulates photosynthesis in tobacco plants.
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, December 2023 issue (16 pages).
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s12298-023-01395-5
Original Research
Pandey RS, Kaur HK, Prasad RR and Govindjee G (2023)
Remembering Someshwar Nath Bhargava (1937-1983): A Great Human Being and An Outstanding Plant Pathologist / Mycologist from Allahabad University, Prayagraj.
LS-International Journal of Life Sciences 12(3): 186-202.
DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2023.00016.7
History and Biography
Govindjee G (2023)
In appreciation of an ingenious scientist and a great friend: Győző Garab
Photosynthetica, 61 (SI): 57-60.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2023.040
History and Biography
Guru SK, Saxena P, Borah L, Paul V, Pandey R and Govindjee G (2023)
Honoring Dinesh Chandra Uprety (1945-2023): A Great Teacher, An Outstanding
Scientist, and A Wonderful Human Being.
Journal of Plant Science Research 39 (2): 1-13.
abstract online:
DOI 10.32381/JPSR.2023.39.02.1
History and Biography
Govindjee G, Tiwari DP, Prasad RR, Kehri HK, Narain A and Sinha DP (2023)
Reminiscences of Manmohan Manohar Laloraya: A great friend to many, and a visionary leader.
Journal of Plant Science Research 39(2): 15-30.
History and Biography
Korres NE, Norsworthy JK, FitzSimmons T, Roberts TL, Ossterhuis DM and Govindjee G (2023)
Evaluation of secondary sexual dimorphism of the dioecious Amaranthus palmeri under abiotic stress.
Scientific Reports, 13: #13156; 16 pages.
available online:
DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-40453-6
Original Article
Björn LO, Shevela D and Govindjee G (2023)
What Is Photosynthesis? - A Broader and Inclusive View.
In: Dalal VK and Misra AN (eds.)
A Closer Look at Photosynthesis, Chapter 1,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Post Genomic Era.
Plant Science Research and Practices, Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN: 979-8-88697-815-5, personal copy, in the press.
Chapter in a Book
Breidenbach RW, Castelfranco AM, Castelfranco J, Govindjee G, Smith KM and Stemler A (2023)
Paul A. Castelfranco (1921-2021): a scientist par excellence, a man of lasting faith, and ever a humanist.
Photosynthesis Research 157: 147-157.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-023-01017-x
History and Biography
Govindjee G and Frenkel S (2023)
The life story of Albert W. Frenkel (1919-2015): A pioneer in photosynthesis research.
Photosynthetica, 61(1): 108-114.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2023.015
History and Biography
Balashov S, Imasheva E, Misra S, Kono M, Liu S, Liang J, Govindjee G and Ebrey TG (2023)
Contributions of Rajni Govindjee in the Life Sciences: Celebrating her 88th birthday.
International Journal of Life Sciences, 12(1):1-14.
History and Biography
Xia Q, Tang H, Fu L, Jinglu Tan J, Govindjee G and Guo Y (2023)
Determination of Fv/Fm [variable/maximum] from chlorophyll a fluorescence without dark adaptation by an LSSVM [least squares support vector machine] model.
Plant Phenomics - A Science Partner Journal
(Ahead of Print, 21 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.34133/plantphenomics.0034
Original Article
Foyer CH, Keys AJ, Parry MAJ and Govindjee G (2023)
Professor Charles Percival Whittingham (1922-2011).
Photosynthetica 61(1): 94-96
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2023.010
History and Biography
Govindjee G (2023)
On the evolution of the concept of two light reactions and two photosystems for oxygenic photosynthesis: A personal perspective.
Photosynthetica 61(1): 37-47;
Scheme by Bessel Kok and George Hoch and
Photo of Rajni and Govindjee;
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2023.006
Review Article
Shevela D, Kern JF, Govindjee G and Messinger J (2023)
Solar energy conversion by photosystem II: principles and structures.
Photosynthesis Research
156: 279-307;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-022-00991-y
Original Article
Govindjee G, Peterson LF, Satoh K, Herbert H, de Kouchkovsky Y, Schreiber U, Murata N, Öquist G, Larkum AWD, Hiyama T and Berry JA (2023)
David (Dave) Charles Fork (1929-2020): A gentle human being, a great experimenter, and a passionate researcher.
Photosynthesis Research
155: 107-125;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-022-00964-1
Li Y, Si D, Wang W, Xue S, Shang W, Chi Z, Li C, Hao C, Govindjee G and Shi Y (2023)
Light-driven CO2 assimilation by Photosystem II and its relation to photosynthesis.
Chinese Journal of Catalysis
44: 117-126;
Original paper
Govindjee G, Kaur HK, Prasad SM and Murti GSR (2022)
Tadimeti Raja Rao (1930-2022): A Superb Plant Physiologist and Wonderful Mentor
Jour Pl Sci Res 38(2): 465-474;
Govindjee G (2022)
Govindjee on the 1958 Historical Lecture of Robert (Bob) Emerson: Discovery of Auxiliary Pigments working in Synchrony with Chlorophyll a in algae, Ed. Morris, J. J.
Jour Pl Sci Res 38(2): 455-464;
History and Biography
Govindjee G and Thorhaug A (2022)
Francis Theodore Haxo (March 9, 1921-June 10, 2010): Innovator, Dedicated Biologist, and Grand master of the Carotenoids in Marine organisms
Jour Pl Sci Res 38(2): 449-454;
Letter to the Editor
Vasilieva LG, Kaminskaya OP, Yakovlev AG, Shkuropatov AY, Semenov AY, Nadtochenko VA, Krasnovsky AA Jr, Parson WW, Allakhverdiev SI and Govindjee G (2022)
In memory of Vladimir Anatolievich Shuvalov (1943-2022): an outstanding biophysicist
Photosynth Res 154: 207-223 (includes Supplementary Matter)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-022-00932-9
Kandoi D, Ruhil K, Govindjee G and Tripathy BC (2022)
Overexpression of cytoplasmic C4 Flaveria bidentis carbonic anhydrase in C3 Arabidopsis thaliana increases amino acids, photosynthetic potential, and biomass.
Plant Biotechnology Journal, Apr 25, ahead of print, pp. 1-15, PMID: 35467074.
available online:
DOI 10.1111/pbi.13830
Original Article
Cederstrand L and Govindjee G (2022)
Carl Nelson Cederstrand (1927-2022): A Biophysicist, an Innovator and a Wonderful Person.
International Journal of Life Sciences 11(1): 1-7.
available online:
DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2022.00002.1
Lauterbur ME and Govindjee G (2022)
Paul C. Lauterbur (1929-2007): Discoverer of MRI, Father of 13C NMR and 2003 Nobel Laureate.
International Journal of Life Sciences 11(1): 8-27.
available online:
DOI 10.5958/2319-1198.2022.00001.X
Govindjee G, Malkin R and Ogawa T (2022)
Bacon Ke (1920-2022): a pioneer of primary photochemistry
of photosynthesis
Photosynthetica 60(3): 360-361.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2022.026
Kumar D, Tiwari S, Naithani S and Govindjee G (2022)
Remembering Professor Krishna K. Tewari (1937-2017): A Pioneer in Plant Molecular Biology.
Current Plant Biology 29: article #100240 (3 pages).
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.cpb.2022.100240
Govindjee G, de Kouchkovsky Y and Garab G (2022)
Tribute to Jean Lavorel (1928-2021), an outstanding experimenter and a brilliant theorist of photosynthesis.
Photosynthetica 60(2): 323-325.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2022.021
Govindjee G (2022)
Discovery of auxiliary pigments working in synchrony with chlorophyll a in algae,
followed by a reprint of: Emerson R and Chalmers RV (1958)
"Speculations concerning the function of the accessory pigments of algae" from the News Bulletin of the Phycological Society of America (PSA), X1 (35), November 1958.
Phycological Newsletter, a publication of the PSA, 58(1): 11-20, March 2022.
Review Article
Govindjee G (2022)
Frederick Robert (Bob) Whatley (1924-2020): Codiscoverer of photophosphorylation in chloroplasts and much more.
Jour Pl Sci Res 38(1): 1-7.
Carlson S, Bauer C and Govindjee G (2022)
Remembering Robert (Bob) Togasaki (1932-2019): A leader in Chlamydomonas genetics and in plant biology, as well as a teacher par excellence.
Photosynth Res (14 Pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-021-00893-5
Yuan S, Tang H, Fu L J, Tan J L, Govindjee G and Guo Y (2022)
An open Internet of Things (IoT)-based framework for feedback control of photosynthetic activities.
Photosynthetica 60(SI): 77-85.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.066
Original Article
Lazar D, Stirbet A, Björn LO and Govindjee G (2022)
Light quality, oxygenic photosynthesis and more.
Photosynthetica 60(SI): 23-56.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.055
Review Article
Prásil O, Kana R and Govindjee G (2022)
Special issue in honor of Prof. George C. Papageorgiou.
Photosynthetica 60(SI): 1-2.
Govindjee G (2021)
James Barber (1940-2020): A very remarkable biochemist of our time.
Photosynthetica 59(4): 606-614.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.058
Yilimulati M, Jin J, Wang Xin, Wang Xiaomeng, Shevela D, Wu B, Wang K, Zhou L, Jia Y, Pan B, Govindjee G and Zhang S (2021)
Regulation of Photosynthesis in Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria with the Simplest β-Diketone.
Environmental Science & Technology 5(20): 14173-14184
plus 32 pages of Supplementary Material.
abstract available online:
DOI 10.1021/acs.est.1c04683
Original Article
available free here
Naithani S, Komath S S, Nonomura A and Govindjee G (2021)
Plant lectins and their many roles: Carbohydrate-binding and beyond.
Journal of Plant Physiology. (15 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.jplph.2021.153531
Review Article
available free online
Shevela D, Kern J, Govindjee G, Whitmarsh J and Messinger J (2021)
Photosystem II.
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 2(7): 1-20.
available online:
DOI 10.1002/9780470015902.a0029372
Original Article
Dau H, Ivanov B, Shevela D, Armstrong WH and Govindjee G (2021)
Three overlooked photosynthesis papers of Otto Warburg (1883-1970), published in the 1940s in German and in Russian, on light-driven water oxidation coupled to benzoquinone reduction.
Photosynth Res (6 pages; plus Supplementary Material)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-021-00858-8
Letter to the Editor
Govindjee G and Blankenship RE (2021)
Martin David Kamen (1913-2002): discoverer of carbon 14, and of new cytochromes in photosynthetic bacteria.
Photosynth Res (9 Pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-021-00854-y
Original Article
Pandiyan S, Govindjee G, Meenatchi S, Prasanna S, Gunasekaran G and Guo Y (2021)
Evaluating the Impact of Summer Drought on Vegetation Growth Using Space-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Across Extensive Spatial Measures.
Big Data (16 Pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1089/big.2020.0350
Original Article
Padhi B, Chauhan G, Kandoi D, Stirbet A, Tripathy BC and Govindjee G (2021)
A comparison of chlorophyll fluorescence transient measurements, using Handy PEA and FluorPen fluorometers.
Photosynthetica 59(SI): 39-48.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2021.026
Original Article
Govindjee G and Govindjee R (2021)
Personal Reminiscences of Robert Emerson and Eugene Rabinowitch.
Journal of Plant Science Research 37(1): 101-106.
(6-page 2020 document)
History and Biography
Govindjee G, Shen Y-K, Zhu X-G, Mi H and Ogawa T (2021)
Honoring Bacon Ke at 100: a legend among the many luminaries
and a highly collaborative scientist in photosynthesis research.
Photosynth Res 147: 243-252.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-021-00820-8
Govindjee G, Sawhney B and Mattoo A (2021)
Ravindar Kaur Sawhney (1931-2020): An Innovative Plant Physiologist.
Plant Physiology Reports. (3 pages, plus 5 pages
Supplementary Material)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s40502-020-00554-0
Govindjee G and Reddy DVR (2021)
Ramesh Chandra Sinha (1934-2020).
Archives of Virology 166(2): 671-672.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s00705-020-04888-w
Govindjee G (2021)
In honor of Hartmut Karl Lichtenthaler.
Photosynthetica 59(SI): 1-3.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2020.080
History and Biography
Govindjee G and Naithani S (2021)
Lalit Mohan Srivastava (1931-2012): a highly respected authority on plant growth, hormones, and environment.
Current in Plant Biology. (2 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.cpb.2020.100183
Govindjee G (2021)
Robert Emerson, a major contributor to Photosynthesis, had pioneered research in Respiration in the 1920s, under Otto Warburg.
Journal of Plant Science Research 36(1-2): 1-4.
Letter to the Editor
Khan N, Essemine J, Hamdani S, Qu M, Lyu M-J A, Perveen S, Stirbet A, Govindjee G and Zhu X-G (2020)
Natural variation in the fast phase of chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curve (OJIP) in a global rice minicore panel.
Photosynth Res (22 pages)
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-020-00794-z
Original Article
Nonomura AM, Shevela D, Komath SS, Biel KY and Govindjee G (2020)
The carbon reactions of photosynthesis: role of lectins and glycoregulation.
Photosynthetica 58(5): 1090-1097.
Plant Lectin Bypass & Cycle posters,
αMeM binds lectin & displaces glucose video,
vacoule presses against cell wall video.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2020.064
Minireview with Supplementary Educational Material
Govindjee G, Zilinskas BA, Brereton RG, Khanna R and Govindjee R (2020)
A tribute to Maarib (Darwish Lutfi Bakri) Bazzaz (1940-2020): the one who proved the existence of "new" chlorophylls in plants.
Plant Physiology Reports 25(3): 377-385.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s40502-020-00534-4
Sayre T, Negi S, and Govindjee G (2020)
Light regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting doubles the biomass yield in the green alga Chlamydomonas.
Photosynthetica 58(4): 974-975.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2020.049
Letter to the Editor
Pareek A, Soni V, Sopory SK, Khurana JP, Sree KS, Tyagi AK, Narsimhan S and Govindjee G (2020)
Satish Chandra Maheshwari (1933-2019) - a brilliant, passionate and an outstanding shining light for all of plant biology.
Physiol Mol Biol Plants 26(6): 1087-1098.
3-page supplement.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s12298-020-00794-2
Govindjee G, Briskin DP, Benning C, Daniell H, Kolossov V, Scheer H and Rebeiz M (2020)
From δ-aminolevulinic acid to chlorophylls and every step in between: In memory of Constantin (Tino) A. Rebeiz, 1936-2019.
Photosynth Res 145: 71-82.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-020-00750-x
Hu K, Govindjee G, Tan J, Xia Q, Dai Z and Guo Y (2020)
Co-author and co-cited reference network analysis for chlorophyll fluorescence research from 1991 to 2018.
Photosynthetica 58(1): 110-124.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2019.154
A Review
Negi S, Perrine Z, Friedland N, Kumar A, Tokutsu R, Minagawa J. Berg R, Barry A, Govindjee G and Sayre R (2020)
Light-regulation of light harvesting antenna size substantially enhances photosynthetic efficiency and biomass yield in green algae.
The Plant Journal 103(2): 584-603.
available online:
DOI 10.1111/tpj.14751
Original Article
Vredenberg WJ and Govindjee G (2020)
Christiaan Sybesma (August 31, 1928-January 31, 2018), an extraordinary biophysicist of our time.
Photosynth Res 144: 297-300.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-020-00734-x
Stirbet A, Lazar D, Guo Y and Govindjee G (2020)
Photosynthesis: basics, history and modelling.
Annals of Botany 126: 511-537.
available online:
DOI 10.1093/aob/mcz171
Historical Article
Govindjee G, Nonomura A and Lichtenthaler HK (2020)
Remembering Melvin Calvin (1911-1997), a highly versatile scientist of the 20th century.
Photosynth Res 143: 1-11.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00693-y
History and Biography
Fu L, Govindjee G, Tan J and Guo Y (2020)
Development of a minimized model structure and a feedback control framework for regulating photosynthetic activities.
Photosynth Res 146: 213-225.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00690-1
Original Paper
Govindjee, Razjivin AP and Kozlovsky VS (2020)
Unique features of the 'photo-energetics' of purple bacteria: a critical survey by the late Aleksandr Yuryevich Borisov (1930-2019).
Photosynth Res 146: 17-24.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00683-0
History and Biography
Borisova-Mubarakshina MM, Tsygankov AA, Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI, Eaton-Rye JJ and Govindjee G (2020)
International conference on "Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability-2019": in honor of Tingyun Kuang, Anthony Larkum, Cesare Marchetti, and Kimiyuki Satoh.
Photosynth Res 146: 5-15.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00687-w
Original Article
Semenov AY, Kotova EA, Andrei P. Razjivi AP and Govindjee (2020)
Tribute: a salute to Alexander Yurievich Borisov (1930-2019), an outstanding biophysicist.
Photosynth Res 146: 1-3.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00674-1
History and Biography
Kaur D, Gisriel C, Burnap R, Fromme P and Govindjee G (2019)
Gordon research conference 2019: From the biophysics of natural and artificial photosynthesis to bioenergy conversion.
Current Plant Biology, Vol. 22, #100129.
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.cpb.2019.100129
News Report
Jimenez-Francisco B, Stirbet A, Aguado-Santacruz GA, Campos H, Conde-Martinez FV, Padilla-Chacon D, Trejo C, Bernacchi CJ and Govindjee G (2019)
A comparative chlorophyll a fluorescence study on isolated cells and intact leaves of Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama grass).
Photosynthetica 57(SI): 77-89.
available online:
DOI 10.32615/ps.2019.148
(12 pages)
Original Paper
Borisova-Mubarakshina MM, Tsygankov AA, Tomo T, Allakhverdiev SI, Eaton-Rye JJ and Govindjee G* (2019)
The 10th international conference on "Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for sustainability": A pictorial report in honor of Tingyun Kuang, Anthony Larkum, Cesare Marchetti and Kimiyuki Satoh.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44: 30927-30934.
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.09.224
Short Communication
[* NOTE: This is the first time Govindjee has used "Govindjee Govindjee" as his full name in publication.]
Govindjee, Srivastava A, Stirbet A, Soni V and Sarin NB (2019)
Reto Jörg Strasser: An innovator, a wonderful friend and "Professor of the World".
Journal of Plant Science Research 35(2): 147-158.
Tribute and a Perspective
Wungrampha S, Joshi R, Rathore RS, Singla-Pareek SL,
Govindjee and Pareek A (2019)
CO2 and chlorophyll a fluorescence of Suaeda fruticosa grown under diurnal rhythm and after transfer to continuous dark.
Photosynth Res 142: 211-227.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00659-0
Original Paper
Govindjee (2019)
My turn to thank many around the World:
For photosynthesis research in my life.
Journal of Plant Science Reserch 35(1): 69-84.
History and Biography
Govindjee, Papageorgiou GC and Govindjee R (2019)
Eugene I. Rabinowitch:
A prophet of photosynthesis and of peace in the world.
Photosynth Res 141(2): 143-150.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-019-00641-w
History and Biography
Shevela D, Bjorn L and Govindjee (2019)
Photosynthesis: Solar Energy for Life.
World Scientific, Singapore.
purchase online at
Govindjee (2019)
A sixty-year tryst with photosynthesis and related processes:
an informal personal perspective.
Photosynth Res 139: 15-43.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0590-0
(29 pages)
History and Biography
Hamdani S, Wang H, Zheng G, Perveen S, Qu M, Khann N, Khan W,
Jiang J, Li M, Liu X, Zhu X, Govindjee, Chu C and Zhu X-G (2019)
Genome-wide association study identifies variation of glucosidase being linked to natural variation of the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II.
Physiologia Plantarum 166(1): 105-119.
available online:
DOI 10.1111/ppl.12957
Original Paper
Govindjee and Messinger J (2019)
We remember those who left us in the recent past.
Physiologia Plantrum 166(1): 7-11.
available online:
DOI 10.1111/ppl.12859
History and Biography
Subramanyam R, Allakhverdiev S and Govindjee (2019)
Honoring eight senior distinguished plant biologists from India.
Photosynth Res 139: 45-52.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0531-y
Stirbet A, Lazar D, Papageorgiou G and Govindjee (2019)
Chlorophyll a fluorescence in cyanobacteria: Relation to photosynthesis.
In: A.N. Mishra, D.N. Tiwari and A.N. Rai (eds.)
Cyanobacteria: From Basic Science to Applications, Chapter 5, pp. 79-130; Elsevier Publishers Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier.
Chapter in a Book
Hamdani S, Khan N, Perveen S, Qu M, Jiang J, Govindjee and Zhu XG (2019)
Changes in the photosynthesis properties and photoprotection capacity in rice
(Oryza sativa)
grown under red, blue, or white light.
Photosynth Res 139:107-121.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0589-6
Original Article
Mishra KB, Mishra A, Kubásek J, Otmar Urban O, Heyer AG and Govindjee (2019)
Low temperature induced modulation of photosynthetic
induction in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana:
chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements.
Photosynth Res 139:123-143.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0588-7
Original Paper
Conlan B, Govindjee and Johannes Messinger J (2019)
Thomas John Wydrzynski (8 July 1947-16 March 2018).
Photosynth Res 140: 253-261.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0606-9
Govindjee, Khanna R and Zilinskas B (2018)
Remembering Tom Wydrzynski (1947-2018), one who had the guts to go after what he wanted and excelled at it.
Current Plant Biology 16:2-8.
available online:
DOI 10.1016/j.cpb.2018.10.003
Govindjee and Blankenship RE (2018)
Martin D. Kamen, Whose Discovery of 14C Changed Plant Biology as Well as Archaeology.
available online:
Plantae; Historical Perspectives on Plant Science
(10 Pages)
Govindjee (2018)
Robert Emerson's 1949 Stephen Hales Prize Lecture:
"Photosynthesis and the World".
Journal of Plant Science Research 34(2): 119-125.
Historical Article
Laws E, Weidemann A, Hoch G, Bannister H, Robert S. Knox RS,
and Govindjee (2018)
In memory of Thomas Turpin Bannister (1930-2018).
Photosynth Res
138(2): 129-138.
Govindjee and Tanner W (2018)
Remembering Otto Kandler (1920-2017) and his contributions.
Photosynth Res
137(3): 337-340.
(plus Supplementary Photos)
Naithani S and Govindjee (2018)
Remembering Professor Prasanna K. Mohanty (April 1,1934 - March 9, 2013).
Current Plant Biology 13:2-5.
Stirbet A, Lazár D, Kromdijk J and Govindjee (2018)
Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction:
Can just a one-second measurement be used to quantify abiotic stress responses?
Photosynthetica 56(1): 86-104.
Allakhverdiev SI, Zharmukhamedov SK, Rodionova MV, Shuvalov VA, Charles Dismukes C, Shen J-R, Barber J, Samuelsson and Govindjee (2018)
Vyacheslav (Slava) Klimov (1945-2017):
A scientist par excellence, a great human being, a friend, and a Renaissance man.
Photosynth Res 136: 1-16.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0440-5
(16 pages)
Soda N, Gupta BK, Anwar K, Sharan A, Govindjee, Singla-Pareek SL, Pareek A (2018)
Rice intermediate filament, OsIF, stabilizes photosynthetic
machinery and yield under salinity and heat stress.
Scientific Report, Vol 8, article #4072.
available online:
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-22131-0
(13 pages)
[PDF file includes Supplementary Material and a photograph of the
Original Research Paper
Herbert SK, Siderer Y, Govindjee (2018)
Shmuel Malkin (1934-2017) Listening to photosynthesis and making music.
Photosynth Res.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-018-0478-z
Gisriel C, Saroussi S, Ramundo S, Fromme P, Govindjee (2018)
Gordon Research Conference on photosynthesis:
photosynthetic plasticity from the environment to synthetic systems.
Photosynth Res 136: 393-405.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0472-x
News Report
Bernát G, Steinbach G, Kaňa R, Govindjee, Misra AN, Prášil O (2017)
On the origin of the slow M-T chlorophyll a fluorescence decline in cyanobacteria:
interplay of short-term light-responses.
Photosynth Res.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0458-8
Original Research Paper
Shabnam N, Sharmila P, Govindjee, Kim H and Pardha-Saradhi P (2017)
Differential response of floating and submerged leaves of longleaf pondweed to silver ions
Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol. 8, article #1052.
available online:
DOI 10.3389/fpls.2017.01052
(13 pages)
Original Research Paper
Nonomura AM, Holtz B, Biel KY, Cooney R, Lorimer G and Govindjee (2017)
The paths of Andrew A. Benson:
a radio-autobiography.
Photosynth Res 134: 93-105.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0410-y
Govindjee, Munday JC Jr and Papageorgiou GC (2017)
Frederick Yi-Tung Cho (1939-2011):
His PhD days in Biophysics, the Photosynthesis Lab, and his patents in engineering physics.
Photosynth Res 132: 227-234.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0391-x
Latimer MG, Bannister TT and Govindjee (2017)
Paul Henry Latimer (1925-2011): Discoverer of selective scattering in photosynthetic systems.
Photosynth Res 134: 83-91.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0390-y
Govindjee (2017)
André Tridon Jagendorf (1926-2017).
Photosynth Res 132: 235-243.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0380-0
Yurina NP, Popov VO, Krasnovsky Jr. AA and Govindjee (2017)
Remembering Navasard V. Karapetyan (1936-2015).
Photosynth Res 132: 221-226.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-017-0361-3
Brand1 JJ, Kerfeld CA, Cramer WA and Govindjee (2017)
David W. Krogmann, 1931-2016.
Photosynth Res 132: 1-12.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0335-x
Govindjee, Shevela D and Björn LO (2017)
Evolution of the Z-scheme of photosynthesis.
Photosynth Res 133: 5-15.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0333-z
Mircovic T, Ostrumov EE, Anna JM, van Grondelle R, Govindjee and Scholes GD (2017)
Light absorption and energy transfer in the antenna complexes of photosynthetic organisms.
Chemical Reviews.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/10.1021/acs.chemrev.6b00002
(45 pages)
Govindjee and Redding K (2017)
Honoring Jean-David Rochaix.
Photosynth Res 131: 221-225.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0308-0
News Report
Tsygankov AA, Allakhverdiev SI, Tomo T and Govindjee (2017)
International conference on Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability-2016: In honor of Nathan Nelson and Turhan Nejat Veziroglu.
Photosynth Res 131: 227-236.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0311-5
News Report
Stamatakis K, Allakhverdiev SI, Garab G and Govindjee (2016)
Honoring George C. Papageorgiou
Photosynthetica 54(1): 158-160.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11099-015-0183-5
Letter to the Editor
- Kana R and Govindjee (2016) Role of Ions in the Regulation of Light
Frontiers in Plant Science 7: article # 1849, 17 pages;
available online:
DOI 10.3389/fpls.2016.01849
- Mishra KB, Mishra A, Klem K and Govindjee (2016) Plant phenotyping: a perspective. Ind J Plant Physiol 21(4): 514-527;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s40502-016-0271-y
Buchanan BB, Douce R, Govindjee, Lichtenthaler HK and Summons RE (2016)
Andrew A. Benson, 1917-2015.
Biographical Memoir of the National Academy of Science, USA.
(16 pages)
Joliot P, Crofts AR, Björn LO, Yerkes CT, Govindjee (2016)
In photosynthesis, oxygen comes from water:
From a 1787 book for women by Monsieur De Fourcroy.
Photosynth Res 129: 105-107;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0266-6
Historical Paper
Govindjee, Marcelle D (2016)
René Marcelle (December 30, 1931-December 18, 2011),
the first editor-in-chief of Photosynthesis Research.
Photosynth Res 129: 13-15;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0258-6
Govindjee, Pulles MPJ (2016)
Louis Nico Marie Duysens (March 15, 1921-September 8, 2015):
A leading biophysicist of the 20th century.
Photosynth Res 128: 223-234;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0256-8
Sharkey TD, Govindjee G (2016)
Hartmut Lichtenthaler: an authority on chloroplast structure and isoprenoid biochemistry.
Photosynth Res 128: 117-123.
Kandoi D, Mohanty S, Govindjee, Tripathy BC (2016)
Towards efficient photosynthesis: overexpression of Zea mays phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Photosynth Res 130: 47-72.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0224-3
Original Research Paper
Stirbet A, Govindjee (2016)
The slow phase of chlorophyll a fluorescence induction in silico: Origin of the S-M fluorescence rise.
Photosynth Res 130: 193-213;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0243-0
Original Research Paper
Stamatakis K, Papageorgiou GC, Govindjee (2016)
Effects of b-carotene, a chemical scavenger of singlet oxygen, on the millisecond rise of chlorophyll a fluorescence of cyanobacteria Syncechocystis sp. PCC 7942. Photosynth Res 130: 317-324;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0255-9
Original Research Paper
Huseynova IM, Allakhverdiev SI. Govindjee (2016)
Jalal A. Aliyev (1928-2016): A great scientist, a great teacher and a great human being.
Photosynth Res 128: 219-222;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0242-1
Allakhverdiev SI, Tomo T, Stamatakis K, Govindjee (2016)
International Conference on "Photosynthesis research for sustainability-2015
in honor of George C. Papapageorgiou", September 21-26, 2015, Crete Greece.
Photosynth Res 130: 1-10;
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-015-0207-9
News Report
Elchuri SV, Govindjee (2016)
Vallabhaneni Sita Rama Das, 1933-2010: teacher and mentor.
Photosynth Res 128: 109-115.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-015-0210-1
Govindjee, Bassham H, Bassham S (2016)
Remembering James Alan Bassham (1922-2012)
Photosynth Res 128: 3-13.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-015-0201-2
Nonomura A, Lorimer G, Holtz B, Vacquier V, Biel KY, Govindjee (2016)
Andrew A. Benson: personal recollections.
Photosynth Res 127: 369-378.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/s11120-015-0186-x
Björn LO and Govindjee (2015)
The Evolution of Photosynthesis and its Environmental Impact.
In L.O. Björn (Ed.), Photobiology: The Science of Light and Life.
available online:
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1468-5_16
Science+Business Media, New York, pp 25 [contact Govindjee by]
- Papageorgiou GC and Govindjee (2014) The Non-Photochemical Quenching of the Electronically Excited State of Chlorophyll a in Plants: Definitions, Timelines, Viewpoints, Open Questions. In: Demmig-Adams, B. , Garab, G., Adams III, W. and Govindjee (eds.) Non-Photochemical Quenching and Energy Dissipation In Plants, Algae and Cyanobacteria. Pp. 1-44;Springer, Dordrecht
- Ostroumov EE, Khan YR, Scholes GD and Govindjee (2014) Photophysics of Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes. In: Demmig-Adams, B. , Garab, G., Adams III, W. and Govindjee (eds.) Non-Photochemical Quenching and Energy Dissipation In Plants, Algae and Cyanobacteria. Pp. 97-128; Springer, Dordrecht
- Kalaji HM, Goltsev V, Brestic M, Bosa K, Allakhverdiev SI, Strasser RJ and Govindjee (2014)
In vivo measurements of light in plants. In: Contemporary Problems of Photosynthesis, Allakhverdiev, S.I., Rubin, A.B., and Shuvalov, V.A. (eds.) Institute of Computer Science, Izhevsk-Moscow, Vol. 1, pages 1-30.
- Najafpour, M.M., Barber, J., Shen, J-R., Moore, G. and Govindjee
(2012) Running on sun. Chemistry World, November, page 43.
- Wang, Q.J., Singh, A., Li H., Nedba,l L., Sherman, L.A., Govindjee, and Whitmarsh, J.C. (2012) Net light-induced oxygen evolution in photosystem I deletion mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1817:792--801
- Biswal, A.K., Pattanayak, G.K., Pandey, S.S., Leelavathi, S., Reddy, V.S., Govindjee and Tripathy, B.C. (2012) Light intensity-dependent modulation of chlorophyll b biosynthesis and photosynthesis by overexpression of chlorophyllide a oxygenase (CAO) in tobacco. Plant Physiol. 159:433-459.
Kana, R., Kotabová, E., Komárek, O., Šedivá, B., Papageorgiou, G.C., Govindjee and Prášil, O. (2012)
The slow S to M fluorescence rise in cyanobacteria is due to a state 2 to state 1 transition.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta,
Short papers in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis, held in Beijing, China in 2011.
Govindjee, Kern JF, Messinger J, and Whitmarsh J (2010)
Photosystem II. (February 2010) Photosystem II. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
Holub, O., Seufferheld, M.J., Gohlke, C., Govindjee, Heiss, G.J. and Clegg, R.M. (2007)
Flourescence lifetime imaging microscopy of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: non-photochemical quenching mutants and the effect of photosynthetic inhibitors on the slow chlorophyll fluorescence transient. Journal of Microscopy Vol. 226/Pt.2, May 2007, pp. 90-120.
Govindjee, Porra, R.J. and Papageorgiou G.C. (2007)
Chlorophyll. The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 10th Edition, Volume 4, pp. 113-116. McGraw Hill Publishers,
New York.
Blankenship RE and Govindjee (2007)
Photosynthesis. The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 10th Edition, Volume 13, pp. 468-475. McGraw Hill Publishers,
New York.
Berkowitz GA, Portis A.R. Jr. and Govindjee (2007)
Carbon dioxide fixation. The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 10th Edition, Volume 13, pp. 475-481. McGraw Hill Publishers,
New York.
Govindjee, Blankenship, R.E. and Shopes, R. (2007)
Bacterial photosynthesis. The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 10thEdition, Volume 13, pp. 481-486. McGraw Hill Publishers, New York.
Kiang, N.Y., Segura, A., Tinetti, G., Govindjee, Blankenship, R.E., Cohen, M., Siefert, J., Crisp, D. and Meadows, V.S. (2007)
Spectral signatures of photosynthesis. II. Coevolution with other stars and the atmostphere on extra-solarworlds. Astrobiology, 7(1): 252-274.
- *Govindjee (1999) Carotenoids in Photosynthesis: An Historical Perspective. The PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF CAROTENOIDS. Edited by H.A. Frank, A.J. Young, G. Britton and R.J. Cogdell. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 1-19. (Advances in Photosynthesis Series, Volume 8, Series Editor: Govindjee)
- Whitmarsh,J. and Govindjee (1995) Photosynthesis. Encyclopedia for Applied Physics. 13: 513-532. [*invited review]