Wayne State University, Detroit, MI |
B.S. (Biology) |
1962 |
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
M.S. (Biology) |
1964 |
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR |
Ph.D. (Biology) |
1969 |
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Research Associate, Department of Zoology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, October 1969 - September 1971 |
Lecturer (Temporary), Institute of Physiology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, October 1971 - August 1972 |
Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, Urbana, September 1972 - August 1977 |
Visiting Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, July 1980 - June 1981 |
Visiting Professor, Department of Biology, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Federal Republic of Germany, August 1987 - July 1988 |
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, Urbana, August 1977 - July 1995 |
Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, Urbana, August 1995 - September 2008 |
Professor Emeritus, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, October 2008 – present |
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Faculty, Graduate College |
Director, School of Integrative Biology |
Director Emeritus, School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois, October 2008 – present |
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U.S. Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oregon, March - September 1969 |
Summer Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois, Urbana, June - August 1973 |
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (elected May, 1983) |
Senior Fulbright Scholar, Federal Republic of Germany, 1987 - 1988 |
Biographee in Marquis Who's Who, Inc. Who's Who in America and other reference works |
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The Society for Experimental Biology |
Society for Neuroscience |
International Brain Research Organization |
International Society for Neuroethology |
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Burns, M.D. and F. Delcomyn. 1970. Motor neurone activity during walking in insects. J. Physiol. 211, 1P-2P. |
Delcomyn, F. 1971. The locomotion of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. J. Exp. Biol. 54, 443-452. |
Delcomyn, F. 1971. The effect of limb amputation on locomotion in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. J. Exp. Biol. 54, 453-469. |
Delcomyn, F. 1971. Computer analysis of a locomotor leg reflex in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Z. vergl. Physiol. 74, 427-445. |
Delcomyn, F. and P.N.R. Usherwood. 1973. Motor activity during walking in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. I. Free walking. J. Exp. Biol. 59, 629-642. |
Delcomyn, F. 1973. Motor activity during walking in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. II. Tethered walking. J. Exp. Biol. 59, 643-654. |
Delcomyn, F. 1974. Processing neurophysiological data on a minicomputer. Decuscope l3(1), 8-11. |
Delcomyn, F. 1974. A simple system for suction electrodes. J. Electrophysiol. Tech. 3, 22-25. |
Burns, M.D. and F. Delcomyn. 1976. Semiautomatic processing of neurophysiological data. I. A device for measuring potential intervals from film. Int. J. Bio-med. Comput. 7, 307-317. |
Delcomyn, F. 1976. Programming for the inexperienced user: machine independence and free-format input. Int. J. Bio-med. Comput. 7, 131-141. |
Delcomyn, F. 1976. An approach to the study of neural activity during behaviour in insects. J. Insect Physiol. 22, 1223-1227. |
Belosky, D.C. and F. Delcomyn. 1977. Information processing in a cricket ganglion: the response of giant fibres to sound pulses. J. Insect Physiol. 23, 359-365. |
Delcomyn, F. 1977. Corollary discharge to cockroach giant interneurones. Nature 269, 160-162. |
Delcomyn, F. 1977. Coordination of invertebrate locomotion. In, Mechanics and Energetics of Animal Locomotion, Ed. by R.M. Alexander and G. Goldspink, Chapter 4, pp. 82-114. London: Chapman and Hall. |
Delcomyn, F. 1977. Review of Computers in Neurobiology and Behavior. Int. J. Bio-Med. Comput. 8, 319-320. |
Delcomyn, F. and M.D. Burns. 1977. Semiautomatic processing of neurophysiological data. II. A computer program for data reduction. Int. J. Bio-med. Comput. 8, 61-71. |
Delcomyn, F. 1978. Review of Atlas of an Insect Brain. Physiol. Zool. 51, 215-216. |
Delcomyn, F. and D.L. Daley. 1979. Central excitation of giant interneurons during walking. J. Comp. Physiol. 130, 39-48. |
Daley, D.L. and F. Delcomyn. 1980. Modulation of the excitability of cockroach giant interneurons during walking. I. Simultaneous excitation and inhibition. J. Comp. Physiol. 138, 231-239. |
Daley, D.L. and F. Delcomyn. 1980. Modulation of the excitability of cockroach giant interneurons during walking. II. Central and peripheral components. J. Comp. Physiol. 138, 241-251. |
Delcomyn, F. 1980. Neural basis of rhythmic behavior in animals. Science 210, 492-498. |
Delcomyn, F. 1980. Even "simple" systems are more complex than we think. Behav. Brain Sci. 3, 544-545. |
Delcomyn, F. 1981. Nickel chloride for intracellular staining of neurons in insects. J. Neurobiol. 12, 623-627. |
Delcomyn, F. 1981. Insect Locomotion on land. In, Locomotion and Exercise in Arthropods, Ed. by C.F. Herreid and C.R. Fourtner, pp. 103-126. New York: Plenum Press. |
Delcomyn, F. 1982. Muscles and muscular activity. In, The American Cockroach, Ed. by K.G. Adiyodi and W.J. Bell, Chapter 11, pp. 275-304. London: Chapman and Hall. |
Pipa, R. and F. Delcomyn. 1982. Nervous system. In, The American Cockroach, Ed. by K.G. Adiyodi and W.J. Bell, Chapter 8, pp. 175-215. London: Chapman and Hall. |
Delcomyn, F. 1983. Activity and structure of movement-signalling (corollary discharge) interneurons in a cockroach. J. Comp. Physiol. 150, 185-193. |
Delcomyn, F. 1983. Intracellular staining with nickel chloride. In, Functional Neuroanatomy, Ed. by N.J. Strausfeld. Chapter 4, pp. 92-95. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. |
Delcomyn, F. 1984. Insect locomotion: past, present and future. XVII International Congress of Entomology Abstracts, p. 169. |
Delcomyn, F. 1984. Sense organs and the pattern of motor activity during walking in the American cockroach. XVII International Congress of Entomology Abstracts, p. 172. |
Delcomyn, F. 1984. Can neuroethologists be led? Behav. Brain Sci. 7, 385. |
Delcomyn, F. 1984. Review of Neural Basis of Elementary Behavior in Stick Insects. Quart. Rev. Biol. 59, 100-101. |
Delcomyn, F. 1985. The control of sets of muscles: a general principle? Behav. Brain Sci. 8, 153. |
Delcomyn, F. 1985. Factors regulating insect walking. Annual Rev. Entomol. 30, 239-256. |
Delcomyn, F. 1985. Insect locomotion: past, present and future. In, Insect Locomotion, Ed. by M. Gewecke and G. Wendler, pp. 1-18. Hamburg: Paul Parey. |
Delcomyn, F. 1985. Walking and running. In, Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Ed. by G.A. Kerkut and L.I. Gilbert, Vol. 5, Chapter 11, pp. 439-466. London: Pergamon Press. |
Delcomyn, F. 1985. Sense organs and the pattern of motor activity during walking in the American cockroach. In, Insect Locomotion, Ed. by M. Gewecke and G. Wendler, pp. 87-96. Hamburg: Paul Parey. |
Delcomyn, F. 1986. Review of Coordination of Motor Behaviour. Am. Sci. 74, 433. |
Delcomyn, F. 1986. Introduction to Neurobiology. Course Notes for Biology 303. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Co., 206 pp. |
Delcomyn, F. 1987. Motor activity during searching and walking movements of cockroach legs. J. Exp. Biol. 133, 111-120. |
Cocatre-Zilgien J.H. and F. Delcomyn. 1988. Empirical evaluation of two-sample statistical tests for differences of stepping phase during insect walking. Biol. Cybern. 59, 367-377. |
Delcomyn, F. 1988. Motor activity in the stump of an amputated leg during free walking in cockroaches. J. Exp. Biol. 140, 465-476. |
Delcomyn, F. and J.H. Cocatre-Zilgien. 1988. Individual differences and variability in the timing of motor activity during walking in insects. Biol. Cybern. 59, 379-384. |
Schmitz, J., A. Büschges and F. Delcomyn. 1988. An improved electrode design for en passant recording from small nerves. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 91A, 769-772. |
Delcomyn, F. 1989. Walking in the American cockroach: the timing of motor activity in the legs during straight walking. Biol. Cybern. 60, 373-384. |
Delcomyn, F. 1989. A comparative approach to muscle function. Behav. Brain Sci. 12, 650-651. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and F. Delcomyn. 1990. A slope-based approach to spike discrimination in digitized data. J. Neurosci. Methods 33, 241-249. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and F. Delcomyn. 1990. Fast axon activity and the motor pattern in cockroach legs during swimming. Physiol. Entomol. 15, 385-392. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Activity and directional sensitivity of leg campaniform sensilla in a stick insect. J. Comp. Physiol. A 168, 113-119. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Perturbation of the motor system in freely walking cockroaches. I. Rear leg amputation and the timing of motor activity in leg muscles. J. Exp. Biol. 156, 483-502. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Perturbation of the motor system in freely walking cockroaches. II. The timing of motor activity in leg muscles after amputation of a middle leg. J. Exp. Biol. 156, 503-517. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Peer review: explicit criteria and training can help. Behav. Brain Sci. 14, 144. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Leg instability after leg amputation during walking in cockroaches. Third IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. Abstracts, P10.17, p. 83. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Teaching neuroscience: put principles before detail. Society for Neuroscience. Abstracts, 202.12, p. 514. |
Delcomyn, F. 1991. Motor patterns in cockroach legs during walking on a slippery surface. Society for Neuroscience. Abstracts, 485.8, p. 1228. |
Delcomyn, F., Editor. 1991. A Laboratory Manual in Animal Biology. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Co., 197 pp. |
Delcomyn, F., R. Gillette, C.L. Prosser, W.T. Greenough, and A.N. Spencer. 1991. Central Nervous Systems. In, Neural and Integrative Animal Physiology. Comparative Animal Physiology, 4th Edition, Ed. by C.L. Prosser, Chapter 9, pp. 547-691. New York: Wiley-Liss. |
Schmitz, J., F. Delcomyn and A. Büschges. 1991. Oil and hook electrodes for en passant recording from small nerves. In, Methods in Neurosciences. Vol. 4, Electrophysiology and Microinjection, Ed. by P.M. Conn, pp. 266-278. New York: Academic Press. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and F. Delcomyn. 1992. Identification of bursts in spike trains. J. Neurosci. Methods 41, 19-30. |
Delcomyn, F. 1992. Insect walking. NEUROSCIENCE YEAR: Supplement 2 to the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. by B. Smith and G. Adelman, pp. 85-87. Boston: Birkhüser. |
Delcomyn, F. 1992. The walking of cockroaches -- deceptive simplicity. In, Biological Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology and Robotics. Ed. by R. Beer, R.R. Ritzmann, and T. McKenna, Chapter 2, pp. 21-41. New York: Academic Press. |
Delcomyn, F. and J.H. Cocatre-Zilgien. 1992. Identification of spikes by computer. In, Methods in Neurosciences. Vol. 10, Computers and Computations in the Neurosciences, Ed. by P.M. Conn, pp. 217-227. New York: Academic Press. |
Delcomyn, F. and J.H. Cocatre-Zilgien. 1992. Computer method for identifying bursts in trains of spikes. In, Methods in Neurosciences. Vol. 10, Computers and Computations in the Neurosciences, Ed. by P.M. Conn, pp. 228-240. New York: Academic Press. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and F. Delcomyn. 1993. A new method for depicting animal step patterns. Animal. Behav. 45, 820-824. |
Delcomyn, F. and E.H. Kolb 1993. The effects of climbing on motor patterns in cockroach legs. XXXII International Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Abstracts, Vol. 4, 280.11/P, p. 174. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and Delcomyn, F. 1995. Computer simulation of campaniform sensilla activity in an insect leg. Burrows, M., Matheson, T., Newland, P.L., & Schuppe, H. (Eds.) Nervous Systems and Behavior. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Neuroethology. New York: Goerg Thieme Verlag, p. 448. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H., F. Delcomyn, L.V. Hall and G.J. Pijanowski. 1995. An approach to validation of a leg simulation by the comparison of two dynamic models. Comput. Biol. Med. 25, 309-319. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H., F. Delcomyn and J.M. Hart. 1996. Performance of a muscle-like "leaky" pneumatic actuator powered by modulated air pulses. J. Robotic Sys. 13, 379-390. |
Delcomyn, F., M.E. Nelson and J.H. Cocatre-Zilgien. 1996. Sense organs of insect legs and the selection of sensors for agile walking robots. Int. J. Robotics Res. 15, 113-127. |
Delcomyn, F. 1997. Foundations of Neurobiology. New York: W.H. Freeman and Co. 648 pp. |
Delcomyn, F. 1997. Insect walking. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd edition (CD-ROM), edited by G. Adelman and B. Smith. Amsterdam: Elsevier. |
Delcomyn, F. 1997. Insect models for robotics. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd edition (CD-ROM), edited by G. Adelman and B. Smith. Amsterdam: Elsevier. |
Delcomyn, F. 1998. Review of Neurobiology of an Insect Brain. Quart. Rev. Biol. 73:107-108. |
Delcomyn, F. and D. Jensen. 1998. Foundations of Neurobiology 1.0, Student CD-ROM. W.H. Freeman & Co.: New York. |
Reichler, J.A. and F. Delcomyn. 1998. Control algorithms for biologically inspired robots: A simulation testbed. In, R. Zobel and D. Moeller, eds, Simulation--Past, Present and Future. 12th European Simulation Multiconference, pp. 437-442. |
Delcomyn, F. 1999. Review of Neurons, Networks, and Motor Behavior. Quart. Rev. Biol. 74, 107. |
Delcomyn, F. 1999. An accident commemorated. American Philatelist 113, 640. |
Cocatre-Zilgien, J.H. and Delcomyn, F. 1999. Modeling stress and strain in an insect leg for simulation of campaniform sensilla responses to external forces. Biol. Cybern. 81, 149-160. |
Delcomyn, F. 1999. Neuroethology. 2000 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology pp. 278-280. |
Delcomyn, F. 1999. Walking robots and the central and peripheral control of locomotion in insects. Auton. Rob. 7, 259-270. |
Reichler, J.A. and F. Delcomyn. 2000. A dynamics simulator and controller testbed for biologically inspired walking robots. Int. J. Robotics Res. 19, 42-58. |
Delcomyn, F. and Nelson, M.E. 2000. Architectures for a biomimetic hexapod robot. Robot. Auton. Sys. 30, 5-15. |
Delcomyn, F. 2001. Let's give amateurism deregulation a chance. NCAA News 38(5), 4-5. |
Reichler, J.A. and F. Delcomyn. 2001. Hierarchical optimal control for insect locomotion. Sixth International Congress of Neuroethology. Abstracts Abstract # 310. |
Delcomyn, F. 2001. Review of Behavioral Neurobiology. Quart. Rev. Biol. 76, 522. |
Xu, C., Lemon, W., Delcomyn, F. and Liu, C. 2001. A novel microelectrode sensor array for simultaneous multiunit neural recording. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts Abstract # 308.11. |
Delcomyn, F. 2001. Biorobotic models can contribute to neurobiology. Behav. Brain Sci. 24(6), 1056-1057. |
Li, J., Fan, Z., Chen, J., Zou, J., Liu, C. and Delcomyn, F. 2002. High yield microfabrication process for biomimetic artificial haircell sensors. Smart Electronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology Conference (Conference 4700), SPIE's 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, 17-21 March 2002, San Diego, CA. |
Fan, Z., Chen, J., Zou, J., Bullen, D., Liu, C. and Delcomyn, F. 2002. Design and fabrication of artificial lateral-line flow sensors. J. Micromechanics Microengineering 12, 655-661. |
Fan, Z., Chen, J., Zou, J., Li, J., Liu, C. and Delcomyn, F. 2002. Development of artificial lateral-line flow sensors.Solid-State Sensor, Actuator, and Microsystems Workshop 2002. Transducers Research Foundation, Inc., Cleveland, OH, pp. 169-172. |
Delcomyn, F. 2004. Insect walking and robotics. Annual Rev. Entomol. 49, 51-70. |
Delcomyn, F. 2004. Title IX paves the road to equality in student athletics. Commentary, Chicago Sun-Times, 17 January 2004, p. 23. |
Cecchini, M. and Delcomyn, F. 2004. Insect leg hair plate encodes velocity not position. The 7th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology, Abstracts, PO5/6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2006. Review of Neural Networks & Animal Behavior. Quart. Rev. Biol. 81, 205-206. |
Delcomyn, F. 2007. Biologically inspired robots. In, Bioinspiration and Robotics: Climbing and Walking Robots, Ed. by M. K. Habib, Chapter 17, pp. 279-300.Vienna: Advanced Robotic Systems International and I-Tech. |
Delcomyn, F. 2008. From insect sense organs to biomimetic walking robots. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(1), 134-137. |
Delcomyn, F. 2008. Walking in invertebrates. The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience L. Squire, et al. (editors) 479-484. |
Ellis, J.E. and F. Delcomyn. 2010. Backyard prairie. Illinois Steward 19(1), 6-10. |
Delcomyn, F. 2010. Costa Rica adventure. The News Gazette December 5, 2010, p. F-6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2011. A practical guide to restoring or reconstructing prairie. A review of The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Prairie Restoration in the Upper Midwest. In, A Prairie Rendezvous 13(1), 7. |
Delcomyn, F. 2012. A guide to native plants for the garden. A review of The Midwestern Native Garden. Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants. An Illustrated Guide. In, A Prairie Rendezvous 14(1), 3. |
Delcomyn, F. 2012. Americans can now experience Cuba, The News Gazette July 24, 2012, p. F-6 |
Delcomyn, F. 2012. International experiences for SIB undergraduates, Newsletter of the School of Integrative Biology, Fall, 2012, p. 4. |
Delcomyn, F. 2013. A trip for folks with adventuresome spirits. The News Gazette February 3, 2013, p. F-6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2013. Trip to desert an adventure off the beaten path. The News Gazette May 19, 2013, p. F-6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2014. Denali grand slam. The News Gazette October 19, 2014, p. F-6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2014. A whale of a time. The News Gazette October 26, 2014, p. F-6. |
Delcomyn, F. 2014. Jogging memories. Oregon Quarterly Winter 2014, vol. 94 (2), p. 64. |
Delcomyn, F. 2015. A parliament of owls. Meadowlark Messenger December 2015, vol. 32 (9), p. 4 |
Delcomyn, F. and T. Bartlett 2016. Foundations for success. Illinois Parks and Recreation January/February 2016, vol. 47(1), pp. 16-18. |
Delcomyn, F. 2016. A Danish lad in America. The Bridge. Journal of the Danish American Heritage Society Vol. 39(1), pp. 44-49. |
Delcomyn, F. 2016. Adventures in New Zealand. The News Gazette September 18, 2016, p. F-6. |
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