During my career, I taught a variety of subjects, from entomology to evolution. Most of my efforts, however, were in the area of animal physiology,
especially neurobiology. Until I took an administrative position, my main teaching assignment was to teach an introductory neurobiology
course I developed. In the final years before my retirement, I gave guest lectures in IB 429 Animal Behavior and in 2006 taught a Discovery course for freshmen (Biol./Geol 199) with Prof. Steve Marshak on Creationism, Intelligent Design, and the Nature of Scientific Evidence. |
Topics Taught:
- Animal Biology
- Entomology for Nonmajors
- Evolution and Population Genetics
- Insect Physiology
- Insect Behavior
- Introductory Neurobiology
- Physiological Basis of Behavior
Recognized by inclusion in the University of Illinois "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students."
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Because I was dissatisfied with the neurobiology texts that were available for beginning biology students, I set out in 1992 to write my own.
The book, Foundations of Neurobiology, was published by W.H. Freeman & Co. in October, 1997. It has been adopted by many Universities and
has been translated into Japanese. In 1998 a CD ROM was produced to accompany the book,
largely by the efforts of Dr. David Jensen of Tomball College and the
skilled designers at Sumanas Multimedia Development Services,
Sumanas Inc.
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